Quick Start / Step 3 of 3: Run Your Application
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Step 3 of 3: Run Your Application
In This Topic

In this step, you will run your application and observe the C1ListView control's run-time behavior.

  1. Press F5 to run your application. Your application should resemble the following image:

  2. Try some of the different C1ListViewItems. Note that when you type text into the C1ListViewInputItem that the textarea type input automatically resizes to fit the text.
    1. Clicking or tapping the C1ListViewLinkItem will open the web site attached to the Link Item.
    2. Clicking or tapping the C1ListViewNestedItem will open the sub-menu you created.

 What you've accomplished:

In this Quick Start, you have created a Visual Studio project, added a C1ListView control to your application, added C1ListViewItems to the control, and run your application.

See Also