Design-Time Support / Designer Form / Exploring the Designer Form / Designer Form TaskBar
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Designer Form TaskBar
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The C1ListView Designer Form TaskBar resembles the following image: 

The C1ListView Designer Form TaskBar contains the items described in the following table:

Button Name Description
Move Item Up Moves the selected C1ListViewItem up one level.
Move Item Down Moves the selected C1ListViewItem down one level.
Move Item Left Moves the selected C1ListViewItem out one level to the left. If the item you select is a child item of a C1ListViewItem, then the selected item will be moved so that it becomes a standalone C1ListViewItem.
Move Item Right Moves the selected C1ListViewItem over one level to the right. If the selected item is a standalone C1ListViewItem, then the selected item will become a child item for the preceding item.
Add Child Item This button will add a child item to the selected C1ListView control or the C1ListViewItem. Clicking the dropdown arrow on this button will open a submenu of item types to select.
Insert Item This button will insert a C1ListViewItem below the currently selected item. Clicking the dropdown arrow on this button will open a submenu of item types to select.
Cut This button will remove the selected C1ListViewItem so that you can past it elsewhere in the list of items.
Copy This button will make a copy of the selected C1ListViewItem so that you can paste it elsewhere in the list of items.
Paste This button inserts a cut or copied C1ListViewItem in the indicated position.
Delete This button removes the selected C1ListViewItem completely.
See Also