Getting Started with ASP.NET Web Forms
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    ASP.NET Web Forms Edition Setup Files
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    The ASP.NET Web Forms Edition installation program will create the following directory:

    This directory contains the following subdirectories

    Bin Contains copies of all binaries (DLLs, Exes) in the ComponentOne Visual Studio ASP.NET Web Forms package.
    Wijmo Contains files (at least a readme.txt) related to the product.


    Samples for the product are installed in the ComponentOne Samples folder by default. Please refer to the pre-installed product samples through the following path:

    Documents\ComponentOne Samples\ASP.NET Web Forms

    The path of the ComponentOne Samples directory is slightly different on Windows XP and Windows 7 and above operating systems:

    The ComponentOne Samples folder contains the following subdirectories:


    Includes support and common data files that are used by many of the demo applications.

    ASP.NET Web Forms Includes C1Excel, C1PDF, C1Zip and other WebForms samples.

    Samples can be accessed from the ComponentOne Sample Explorer.