ComponentOne Gallery for ASP.NET Web Forms
Task-Based Help / Data Binding the Gallery
In This Topic
    Data Binding the Gallery
    In This Topic

    C1Gallery supports data binding, it can bind image URL, caption, and link fields, or bind any data in template. Data binding is allowed if the following properties are set:

    In this example you'll data bind the gallery. Complete the following steps:

    1. In Source view, edit the <cc1:C1Gallery> markup so it appears like the following:

      <cc1:C1Gallery ID="C1Gallery1" runat="server" ShowTimer="True" Width="750px" Height="416px" ThumbsDisplay="4">


      This customizes the gallery control.

    2. Right-click the page and select View Code to switch to open the Code Editor.
    3. Add the following code to the initial class:

      To write code in Visual Basic

      Visual Basic
      Copy Code
      Private Const TEXT As String = "{0} Vestibulum venenatis faucibus eros, vitae vulputate ipsum tempor ut. Donec ut ligula a metus volutpat sagittis. Duis sodales, lorem nec suscipit imperdiet, sapien metus tempor nibh, dapibus pulvinar lorem lacus molestie lacus. "

      To write code in C#

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      private const string TEXT = "{0} Vestibulum venenatis faucibus eros, vitae vulputate ipsum tempor ut. Donec ut ligula a metus volutpat sagittis. Duis sodales, lorem nec suscipit imperdiet, sapien metus tempor nibh, dapibus pulvinar lorem lacus molestie lacus. ";

    4. Add the following code to the Page_Load event:

      To write code in Visual Basic

      Visual Basic
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      Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
      If Not IsPostBack OrElse IsCallback Then
      End If End Sub

      To write code in C#

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      protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
          if (!IsPostBack || IsCallback)
    5. Add the following code just below the Page_Load event within the main class:

      To write code in Visual Basic

      Visual Basic
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      Private Sub bind()
          Dim list1 As List(Of ContentGallery) = GetDataSource("{0}", "{0}")
          C1Gallery1.DataSource = list1
          C1Gallery1.DataImageUrlField = "ImgUrl"
          C1Gallery1.DataLinkUrlField = "LinkUrl"
          C1Gallery1.DataCaptionField = "Caption"
      End Sub

      To write code in C#

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      private void bind()
          List list1 = GetDataSource("{0}", "{0}");
          C1Gallery1.DataSource = list1;
          C1Gallery1.DataImageUrlField = "ImgUrl";
          C1Gallery1.DataLinkUrlField = "LinkUrl";
          C1Gallery1.DataCaptionField = "Caption";

      This code sets up the gallery's data binding.

    6. Add the following code within the main class:

      To write code in Visual Basic

      Visual Basic
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      Private Function GetDataSource(urlFormatStr As String, linkFormatStr As String) As List(Of ContentGallery)
          Dim list As New List(Of ContentGallery)()
          For i As Integer = 1 To 10
              list.Add(New ContentGallery() With { _
              .Content = String.Format(TEXT, String.Format("{0}.The picture one, ", i.ToString())), _
              .LinkUrl = String.Format(linkFormatStr, i.ToString()), _
              .ImgUrl = String.Format(urlFormatStr, i.ToString()), _
              .Caption = String.Format("Pic {0}", i.ToString()) _
          Return list
      End Function

      To write code in C#

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      private List GetDataSource(string urlFormatStr, string linkFormatStr)
          List list = new List();
          for (int i = 1; i < 11; i++)
              list.Add(new ContentGallery()
                  Content = string.Format(TEXT, string.Format("{0}.The picture one, ", i.ToString())),
                  LinkUrl = string.Format(linkFormatStr, i.ToString()),
                  ImgUrl = string.Format(urlFormatStr, i.ToString()),
                  Caption = string.Format("Pic {0}", i.ToString())
          return list;

      This code adds content to the gallery.

    7. Add the following class code just below the main class:

      To write code in Visual Basic

      Visual Basic
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      Public Class ContentGallery
      Public Property Content() As String
                  Return m_Content
              End Get
              Set(value As String)
                  m_Content = Value
              End Set
      End Property
      Private m_Content As String
          Public Property ImgUrl() As String
                  Return m_ImgUrl
              End Get
              Set(value As String)
                  m_ImgUrl = value
              End Set
      End Property
      Private m_ImgUrl As String
      Public Property LinkUrl() As String
                  Return m_LinkUrl
              End Get
              Set(value As String)
                  m_LinkUrl = value
              End Set
      End Property
      Private m_LinkUrl As String
      Public Property Caption() As String
                  Return m_Caption
              End Get
              Set(value As String)
                  m_Caption = value
              End Set
      End Property
      Private m_Caption As String
      End Class

      To write code in C#

      Copy Code
      public class ContentGallery
          public string Content
          { get; set; }
          public string ImgUrl
          { get; set; }
          public string LinkUrl
          { get; set; }
          public string Caption
          { get; set; }

    What You've Accomplished

    Run the application and observe that the C1Gallery control is data bound and several images appear in the gallery control.