In This Topic
C1Gallery includes several unique features, including the following:
- Auto Play
If you choose, the control will cycle through images automatically.You can set the time each picture is displayed and if a timer with Play/Pause buttons will be shown on the top of gallery.
- Controls
You can determine the visibility of elements included in the control, for example the navigation buttons, counter, and timer.
- Thumbnail Images
You can display and customize thumbnail images that navigate to larger images in the gallery. When you click the thumbnail image the large picture will be displayed in the frame. You can determine the visibility, display number, orientation, and position of the thumbnail images.
- Paging
You can choose to display a pager element in the control rather than thumbnail images. The pager allows users to navigate through images I the gallery, and you can customize the position of the pager.
- Navigation
The control includes two built-in buttons (Next/Previous) allowing users to navigate to the next or previous image at run time.
- Dynamic Content
You can asynchronously load content data from the server side or from AJAX data, customizing the content of the control.
- Animation
You can select and customize the animation effect displayed when the control moves from one image to the next.
- Multimedia
You can set the display mode of the gallery determining what type of media will be displayed in the frame. The control includes four modes: image, SWF, FLV, and iFrame.
- JQuery UI Styles
You can quickly change the appearance of the control using JQuery UI styles.