Normally a graph displays all of the data it contains. However, a specific part of the chart can be displayed by fixing the axis bounds.
The chart determines the extent of each axis by considering the lowest and highest data value and the numbering increment. Setting the Axis.Min, Axis.Max, Axis.AutoMin, and Axis.AutoMax properties allows the customization of this process.
Use the Axis.Min and Axis.Max properties to frame a chart at specific axis values. If the chart has X-axis values ranging from 0 to 100, then setting Axis.Min to 0 and Axis.Max to 10 will only display the values up to 10.
The chart can also calculate the Axis.Min and Axis.Max values automatically. If the Axis.AutoMax and Axis.AutoMin properties are set to True then the chart automatically formats the axis numbering to fit the current data set.