In This Topic
InputPanel provides the following six types of editors to support different types of data. The following editors get automatically rendered for their supported data types in the content panel of the InputPanel control when AutoGenerate property is set to true.
- InputTextBox
The InputTextBox editor is used for fields with their data type set to string or char.
- InputDateTimePicker
The InputDateTimePicker editor is used for fields with their data type set to date, time or datetime. User can edit/enter the date by selecting it from the calendar that appears on clicking the editor, and the time by using the available "+" or "-" buttons. You can modify the behavior of the field using EditMode property of C1InputDateTimePicker class.
- InputCheckBox
The InputCheckBox editor is used for fields with their data type set to Boolean. This editor allows you to set the IsThreeState property of C1InputCheckBox class, to support the three states, checked, unchecked, and indeterminate state of the check box .
- InputComboBox
The InputComboBox editor is used for fields with their data type set to enum. The editor displays a list of items in a drop-down menu. This editor allows you to bind to a data source using the ItemsSource property.
- InputNumbericBox
The InputNumbericBox editor is used for fields with their data type set to numeric. You can increase or decrease the value by clicking the "+" and "-" buttons provided by the control. This editor allows you to set the display format using Format property of C1InputNumbericBox class.
- InputMaskedTextBox
The InputMaskedTextBox editor is used for fields in which each character position maps to either a special placeholder or a literal character. Literal characters, or literals, can give visual cues about the type of data being used. This editor allows you to set the format of masked text using the Mask property of C1InputMaskedTextBox class.
See Also