Sunburst Chart / Drilldown
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Drilling down data to get in to the details and access lower levels in data hierarchy of Sunburst chart can be quite helpful while analysis. Sunburst chart provides Drilldown property to enable the functionality of drilling down and drilling back up the data at run-time. 

End users can focus and drill down a data item in a Sunburst chart by simply clicking the desired slice. Whereas, to move up in the hierarchy, users simply need to right-click in the plot area.

The following gif image demonstrates drilling-down by showing data points of the clicked Sunburst slice.

Drilldown Sunburst

Note that drill down feature of Sunburst works only when selection of Sunburst slice is disabled, that is, SelectionMode property is set to None. For more information on selection, see Selection in Sunburst.

See Also