C1.PivotEngine Assembly / C1.PivotEngine Namespace / C1PivotEngine Class / Exec Method / Exec(IEnumerable,Dictionary<String,Object>,CancellationToken,ProgressDelegate) Method
Data source collection containing data for aggregation.
View definition. It is obtained from a view in JSON format using System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer.Deserialize.
Enables task cancellation.
Callback function to report progress updates.

In This Topic
Exec(IEnumerable,Dictionary<String,Object>,CancellationToken,ProgressDelegate) Method
In This Topic
Server-side asynchronous execution of a view returning aggregated results to the caller client.
Public Overloads Shared Function Exec( _
   ByVal dataSource As IEnumerable, _
   ByVal view As Dictionary(Of String,Object), _
   ByVal cancelToken As CancellationToken, _
   ByVal progress As ProgressDelegate _
) As Task(Of Dictionary(Of Object(),Object()))


Data source collection containing data for aggregation.
View definition. It is obtained from a view in JSON format using System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer.Deserialize.
Enables task cancellation.
Callback function to report progress updates.

Return Value

View execution (aggregation) result

This method supports multi-user thread-safe execution of views on the server. Result of such execution is intended for passing to a client for visualization on the web or elsewhere.

It can execute views over multiple dataSource collections. It maintains a pool of Workspace objects internally to enable that.

Aggregation result is a dictionary mapping keys to values. See a description of keys and values in %C1.PivotEngine.C1PivotEngine.Exec(string, string, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string,object>, System.Threading.CancellationToken)%

See Also