C1.DataCollection Assembly / C1.DataCollection Namespace / FilterOperation Enumeration

FilterOperation Enumeration
Represents the valid operations.
Public Enum FilterOperation 
   Inherits System.Enum
ContainsRepresents a contains operation
EndsWithRepresents a ends with operation
EqualRepresents an equal operation
EqualTextRepresents an equal text operation
GreaterThanRepresents a greater than operation
GreaterThanOrEqualRepresents a greater than or equal operation
IsOneOfRepresents an is one of operation
LessThanRepresents a less than operation
LessThanOrEqualRepresents a less than or equal operation
NotEqualRepresents a not equal operation
NotEqualTextRepresents a not equal text operation
StartsWithRepresents a starts with operation
Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also