C1.Blazor.Grid Assembly / C1.Blazor.Grid Namespace / GridSummaryCell Class

GridSummaryCell Class Properties

For a list of all members of this type, see GridSummaryCell members.

Public Properties
Public PropertyGets or sets the C1.Blazor.Core.C1Color used to paint the background. (Inherited from C1.Blazor.Core.C1View)
Public PropertyGets or sets the C1.Blazor.Core.C1Color used to paint the border. (Inherited from C1.Blazor.Core.C1View)
Public PropertyGets or sets the C1.Blazor.Core.C1Thickness of the border. (Inherited from C1.Blazor.Core.C1View)
Public PropertyGets or sets the CSS class applied to the component. (Inherited from C1.Blazor.Core.C1View)
Public PropertyProperty used to hold the column the summary is bound to.  
Public PropertyGets or sets the C1.Blazor.Core.C1CornerRadius of the border. (Inherited from C1.Blazor.Core.C1View)
Public PropertyGets or sets the flow direction. (Inherited from C1.Blazor.Core.C1View)
Public PropertyGets or sets the font family applied to the view. (Inherited from C1.Blazor.Core.C1View)
Public PropertyGets or sets the font size applied to the view. (Inherited from C1.Blazor.Core.C1View)
Public PropertyGets or sets the font style applied to the view. (Inherited from C1.Blazor.Core.C1View)
Public PropertyGets or sets the font weight applied to the view. (Inherited from C1.Blazor.Core.C1View)
Public PropertyGets or sets the C1.Blazor.Core.C1Color used to paint the foreground (text and icons). (Inherited from C1.Blazor.Core.C1View)
Public PropertyGets or sets whether the general purpose properties like foreground or fonts are inherited to the children automatically. (Inherited from C1.Blazor.Core.C1View)
Public PropertyGets whether this instance is disposed. (Inherited from C1.Blazor.Core.C1View)
Public PropertyGets whether the component was already initialized. (Inherited from C1.Blazor.Core.C1View)
Public PropertyGets or sets whether the options drop-down is opened.  
Public PropertyCalled when the options drop-down is opened or closed.  
Public PropertyGets or sets the content of the options drop-down.  
Public PropertyGets or sets the icon template of the options drop-down.  
Public PropertyGets or sets the visibility of the options drop-down.  
Public PropertyOccurs when any of the outlines is tapped.  
Public PropertyGets or sets the padding of the Content. (Inherited from C1.Blazor.Core.C1View)
Public PropertyGets or sets the style applied to the component. (Inherited from C1.Blazor.Core.C1View)
Public PropertyGets or sets the value corresponding to the tabindex global attribute. (Inherited from C1.Blazor.Core.C1View)
Public PropertyGets or sets an arbitrary object that can be used to identify a specific component. (Inherited from C1.Blazor.Core.C1View)
Public PropertyGets or sets the title of the column.  
Public PropertyGets or sets the alignment of the title inside the cell.  
Public PropertyGets or sets the padding of the title of the column.  
See Also