C1.Blazor.Grid Assembly / C1.Blazor.Grid Namespace / GridClipboardCopyMode Enumeration

GridClipboardCopyMode Enumeration
Defines constants that specify whether users can copy data from a FlexGrid control to the clipboard and whether column and row header values are included.
Public Enum GridClipboardCopyMode 
   Inherits System.Enum
DataAndAllHeadersCopy the selected data and include row and column headers.
DataAndColumnHeadersCopy the selected data and include the column headers.
DataAndRowHeadersCopy the selected data and include the row headers.
DataOnlyOnly the selected data is copied.
DefaultThe default mode will copy the data to the clipboard allowing final users to decide whether it needs the headers or not.
ExcludeHeaderUsers can copy the text values of selected cells to the Clipboard; row and column header values are not included.
IncludeAllHeadersUsers can copy the text values of selected cells to the Clipboard; row and column header values are included.
IncludeColumnHeadersUsers can copy the text values of selected cells to the Clipboard; column header values are included.
IncludeRowHeadersUsers can copy the text values of selected cells to the Clipboard; row header values are included.
NoneClipboard support is disabled.
Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also