| Name | Description |
 | _background | Gets or sets the C1.Blazor.Core.C1Color used to paint the background. (Inherited from C1.Blazor.Core.C1View) |
  | AllowDeletingProperty | Identifies the AllowDeleting dependency property. |
  | AllowDraggingProperty | Identifies the AllowDragging dependency property. |
  | AllowFilteringProperty | Identifies the AllowFiltering dependency property. |
  | AllowGroupingProperty | Identifies the AllowGrouping dependency property. |
  | AllowMergingProperty | Identifies the AllowMerging dependency property. |
  | AllowResizingProperty | Identifies the AllowResizing dependency property. |
  | AllowSortingProperty | Identifies the AllowSorting dependency property. |
  | AlternatingRowBackgroundProperty | Identifies the AlternatingRowBackground dependency property. |
  | AlternatingRowForegroundProperty | Identifies the AlternatingRowForeground dependency property. |
  | AlternatingRowStyleProperty | Identifies the AlternatingRowStyle dependency property. |
  | AutoGenerateColumnsProperty | Identifies the AutoGenerateColumns dependency property. |
  | AutoSizeModeProperty | Identifies the AutoSizeMode dependency property. |
  | BottomLeftHeaderBackgroundProperty | Identifies the BottomLeftHeaderBackground dependency property. |
  | BottomLeftHeaderForegroundProperty | Identifies the BottomLeftHeaderForeground dependency property. |
  | BottomLeftHeaderGridLinesBrushProperty | Identifies the BottomLeftHeaderGridLinesBrush dependency property. |
  | BottomLeftHeaderGridLinesVisibilityProperty | Identifies the BottomLeftHeaderGridLinesVisibility dependency property. |
  | BottomLeftHeaderStyleProperty | Identifies the BottomLeftHeaderStyle dependency property. |
  | ChildItemsPathProperty | Identifies the ChildItemsPath dependency property. |
  | ClipboardCopyModeProperty | Identifies the ClipboardCopyMode dependency property. |
  | ColumnFooterBackgroundProperty | Identifies the ColumnFooterBackground dependency property. |
  | ColumnFooterFontFamilyProperty | Identifies the ColumnFooterFontFamily dependency property. |
  | ColumnFooterFontSizeProperty | Identifies the ColumnFooterFontSize dependency property. |
  | ColumnFooterFontStyleProperty | Identifies the ColumnFooterFontStyle dependency property. |
  | ColumnFooterFontWeightProperty | Identifies the ColumnFooterFontWeight dependency property. |
  | ColumnFooterForegroundProperty | Identifies the ColumnFooterForeground dependency property. |
  | ColumnFooterGridLinesBrushProperty | Identifies the ColumnFooterGridLinesBrush dependency property. |
  | ColumnFooterGridLinesVisibilityProperty | Identifies the ColumnFooterGridLinesVisibility dependency property. |
  | ColumnFooterSelectedBackgroundProperty | Identifies the ColumnFooterSelectedBackground dependency property. |
  | ColumnFooterSelectedForegroundProperty | Identifies the ColumnFooterSelectedForeground dependency property. |
  | ColumnFooterSelectedStyleProperty | Identifies the ColumnFooterSelectedStyle dependency property. |
  | ColumnFooterStyleProperty | Identifies the ColumnFooterStyle dependency property. |
  | ColumnHeaderBackgroundProperty | Identifies the ColumnHeaderBackground dependency property. |
  | ColumnHeaderFontFamilyProperty | Identifies the ColumnHeaderFontFamily dependency property. |
  | ColumnHeaderFontSizeProperty | Identifies the ColumnHeaderFontSize dependency property. |
  | ColumnHeaderFontStyleProperty | Identifies the ColumnHeaderFontStyle dependency property. |
  | ColumnHeaderFontWeightProperty | Identifies the ColumnHeaderFontWeight dependency property. |
  | ColumnHeaderForegroundProperty | Identifies the ColumnHeaderForeground dependency property. |
  | ColumnHeaderGridLinesBrushProperty | Identifies the ColumnHeaderGridLinesBrush dependency property. |
  | ColumnHeaderGridLinesVisibilityProperty | Identifies the ColumnHeaderGridLinesVisibility dependency property. |
  | ColumnHeaderSelectedBackgroundProperty | Identifies the ColumnHeaderSelectedBackground dependency property. |
  | ColumnHeaderSelectedForegroundProperty | Identifies the ColumnHeaderSelectedForeground dependency property. |
  | ColumnHeaderSelectedStyleProperty | Identifies the ColumnHeaderSelectedStyle dependency property. |
  | ColumnHeaderStyleProperty | Identifies the ColumnHeaderStyle dependency property. |
  | ColumnOptionsIconTemplateProperty | Identifies the ColumnOptionsIconTemplate dependency property. |
  | ColumnOptionsMenuVisibilityProperty | Identifies the ColumnOptionsMenuVisibility dependency property. |
  | CursorBackgroundProperty | Identifies the CursorBackground dependency property. |
  | CursorForegroundProperty | Identifies the CursorForeground dependency property. |
  | DefaultColumnHeaderRowHeightProperty | Identifies the DefaultColumnHeaderRowHeight dependency property. |
  | DefaultColumnWidthProperty | Identifies the DefaultColumnWidth dependency property. |
  | DefaultGroupRowHeightProperty | Identifies the DefaultGroupRowHeight dependency property. |
  | DefaultRowHeaderColumnWidthProperty | Identifies the DefaultRowHeaderColumnWidth dependency property. |
  | DefaultRowHeightProperty | Identifies the DefaultRowHeight dependency property. |
  | EditIconTemplateProperty | Identifies the EditIconTemplate dependency property. |
  | EditorBackgroundProperty | Identifies the EditorBackground dependency property. |
  | EditorForegroundProperty | Identifies the EditorForeground dependency property. |
  | ErrorIconTemplateProperty | Identifies the ErrorIconTemplate dependency property. |
  | ErrorStyleProperty | Identifies the ErrorStyle dependency property. |
  | FilterIconTemplateProperty | Identifies the FilterIconTemplate dependency property. |
  | FrozenBottomRowsProperty | Identifies the FrozenBottomRows dependency property. |
  | FrozenColumnsProperty | Identifies the FrozenColumns dependency property. |
  | FrozenRowsProperty | Identifies the FrozenRows dependency property. |
  | GroupCollapsedIconTemplateProperty | Identifies the GroupCollapsedIconTemplate dependency property. |
  | GroupExpandedIconTemplateProperty | Identifies the GroupExpandedIconTemplate dependency property. |
  | GroupHeaderConverterProperty | Identifies the GroupHeaderConverter dependency property. |
  | GroupHeaderFormatProperty | Identifies the GroupHeaderFormat dependency property. |
  | GroupRowBackgroundProperty | Identifies the GroupRowBackground dependency property. |
  | GroupRowFontFamilyProperty | Identifies the GroupRowFontFamily dependency property. |
  | GroupRowFontSizeProperty | Identifies the GroupRowFontSize dependency property. |
  | GroupRowFontStyleProperty | Identifies the GroupRowFontStyle dependency property. |
  | GroupRowFontWeightProperty | Identifies the GroupRowFontWeight dependency property. |
  | GroupRowForegroundProperty | Identifies the GroupRowForeground dependency property. |
  | GroupRowPositionProperty | Identifies the GroupRowPosition dependency property. |
  | GroupRowStyleProperty | Identifies the GroupRowStyle dependency property. |
  | GroupSummariesPositionProperty | Identifies the GroupSummariesPosition dependency property. |
  | HeadersVisibilityProperty | Identifies the HeadersVisibility dependency property. |
  | IsReadOnlyProperty | Identifies the IsReadOnly dependency property. |
  | ItemsSourceProperty | Identifies the ItemsSource dependency property. |
  | MaxColumnWidthProperty | Identifies the MaxColumnWidth dependency property. |
  | MaxRowHeightProperty | Identifies the MaxRowHeight dependency property. |
  | MinColumnWidthProperty | Identifies the MinColumnWidth dependency property. |
  | MinRowHeightProperty | Identifies the MinRowHeight dependency property. |
  | MouseOverModeProperty | Identifies the MouseOverMode dependency property. |
  | NewRowBackgroundProperty | Identifies the NewRowBackground dependency property. |
  | NewRowForegroundProperty | Identifies the NewRowForeground dependency property. |
  | NewRowIconTemplateProperty | Identifies the NewRowIconTemplate dependency property. |
  | NewRowPlaceholderProperty | Identifies the NewRowPlaceholder dependency property. |
  | NewRowPositionProperty | Identifies the NewRowPosition dependency property. |
  | NewRowStyleProperty | Identifies the NewRowStyle dependency property. |
  | RowBackgroundProperty | Identifies the RowBackground dependency property. |
  | RowErrorStyleProperty | Identifies the RowErrorStyle dependency property. |
  | RowForegroundProperty | Identifies the RowForeground dependency property. |
  | RowHeaderBackgroundProperty | Identifies the RowHeaderBackground dependency property. |
  | RowHeaderErrorStyleProperty | Identifies the RowHeaderErrorStyle dependency property. |
  | RowHeaderFontFamilyProperty | Identifies the RowHeaderFontFamily dependency property. |
  | RowHeaderFontSizeProperty | Identifies the RowHeaderFontSize dependency property. |
  | RowHeaderFontStyleProperty | Identifies the RowHeaderFontStyle dependency property. |
  | RowHeaderFontWeightProperty | Identifies the RowHeaderFontWeight dependency property. |
  | RowHeaderForegroundProperty | Identifies the RowHeaderForeground dependency property. |
  | RowHeaderGridLinesBrushProperty | Identifies the RowHeaderGridLinesBrush dependency property. |
  | RowHeaderGridLinesVisibilityProperty | Identifies the RowHeaderGridLinesVisibility dependency property. |
  | RowHeaderSelectedBackgroundProperty | Identifies the RowHeaderSelectedBackground dependency property. |
  | RowHeaderSelectedForegroundProperty | Identifies the RowHeaderSelectedForeground dependency property. |
  | RowHeaderSelectedStyleProperty | Identifies the RowHeaderSelectedStyle dependency property. |
  | RowHeaderStyleProperty | Identifies the RowHeaderStyle dependency property. |
  | RowStyleProperty | Identifies the RowStyle dependency property. |
  | SelectedIndexProperty | Identifies the SelectedIndex dependency property. |
  | SelectedItemProperty | Identifies the SelectedItem dependency property. |
  | SelectionBackgroundProperty | Identifies the SelectionBackground dependency property. |
  | SelectionForegroundProperty | Identifies the SelectionForeground dependency property. |
  | SelectionModeProperty | Identifies the SelectionMode dependency property. |
  | ShowDesignTimeDataProperty | Identifies the ShowDesignTimeData dependency property. |
  | ShowErrorsProperty | Identifies the ShowErrors dependency property. |
  | ShowFilterProperty | Identifies the ShowFilter dependency property. |
  | ShowOutlineBarProperty | Identifies the ShowOutlineBar dependency property. |
  | ShowSelectionMenuProperty | Identifies the ShowSelectionMenu dependency property. |
  | ShowSortProperty | Identifies the ShowSort dependency property. |
  | SortAscendingIconTemplateProperty | Identifies the SortAscendingIconTemplate dependency property. |
  | SortDescendingIconTemplateProperty | Identifies the SortDescendingIconTemplate dependency property. |
  | SortIconPositionProperty | Identifies the SortIconPosition dependency property. |
  | SortIndeterminateIconTemplateProperty | Identifies the SortIndeterminateIconTemplate dependency property. |
  | SummaryIconTemplateProperty | Identifies the SummaryIconTemplate dependency property. |
  | TopLeftHeaderBackgroundProperty | Identifies the TopLeftHeaderBackground dependency property. |
  | TopLeftHeaderForegroundProperty | Identifies the TopLeftHeaderForeground dependency property. |
  | TopLeftHeaderGridLinesBrushProperty | Identifies the TopLeftHeaderGridLinesBrush dependency property. |
  | TopLeftHeaderGridLinesVisibilityProperty | Identifies the TopLeftHeaderGridLinesVisibility dependency property. |
  | TopLeftHeaderStyleProperty | Identifies the TopLeftHeaderStyle dependency property. |
  | TreeColumnIndexProperty | Identifies the TreeColumnIndex dependency property. |
  | TreeExpandModeProperty | Identifies the TreeExpandMode dependency property. |
  | TreeIndentModeProperty | Identifies the TreeIndentMode dependency property. |
  | TreeIndentProperty | Identifies the TreeIndent dependency property. |
  | TreeLinesBrushProperty | Identifies the TreeLinesBrush dependency property. |
  | TreeLinesDashArrayProperty | Identifies the TreeLinesDashArray dependency property. |
  | TreeLinesModeProperty | Identifies the TreeLinesMode dependency property. |
  | TreeLinesRadiusXProperty | Identifies the TreeLinesRadiusX dependency property. |
  | TreeLinesRadiusYProperty | Identifies the TreeLinesRadiusY dependency property. |
  | TreeLinesThicknessProperty | Identifies the TreeLinesThickness dependency property. |