| Enumeration | Description |
 | AnimationDirection | Specifies animation direction. |
 | AnimationSettings | Animation settings. |
 | AnimationState | Specifies animation state. |
 | AnimationType | Specifies animation type. |
 | AxisGroupSeparator | Specifies appearance of axis group separated. |
 | AxisLabelAlignment | Specifies axis label position. |
 | AxisType | Specifies axis type. |
 | ChartElement | Specifies chart element that may be found by the HitTest method. |
 | ChartSelectionMode | Available selection modes. |
 | ChartType | Specifies the chart type. |
 | ContentOptions | Specifies content options. |
 | DataType | Specifies chart data type |
 | DatetimeAxisGroupType | Specifies group type for time axis. |
 | Easing | Specifies easing function. |
 | ElementSizeType | Specifies the size type for ElementSize object. |
 | ErrorAmount | Specifies the error amount of the series, it can be a standard error amount, a percentage or a standard deviation. |
 | ErrorBarDirection | Specifies the direction of the error bar. |
 | ErrorBarEndStyle | Specifies the end style of the error bar. |
 | ErrorValueType | Specifies the type of error value. |
 | FitType | Specifies fit type for trend line. |
 | FunnelChartType | Specifies the type of Funnel Chart. |
 | GridUnitType | GridUnitType enum is used to indicate what kind of value the GridLength is holding. |
 | HistogramAppearance | Histogram appearance enums. |
 | HistogramBinning | Specifies the binning mode to define the bins of a Histogram. |
 | LabelOverlapping | Specifies how to handle overlapped labels. |
 | LabelOverlappingOptions | Specifies label overlapping options. |
 | LabelPosition | Specifies chart data label position. |
 | LegendScrollBars | Specifies which scroll bars wiil be visible in legend. |
 | LinePatternEnum | Use the members of this enumeration to set the value of the LinePattern property in the ChartStyle class. |
 | MeasureOption | Specifies measuring direction. |
 | MovingAverageType | Specifies the type of MovingAverage Series. |
 | Orientation | Specifies the orientation of chart element. |
 | OverlappingLabels | Specifies how to handle overlapping labels. |
 | Palette | Specifies chart palette. |
 | PieLabelOverlapping | Specifies how to handle pie data labels that are outside the corresponding pie segment. |
 | PieLabelPosition | Specifies the position of data labels on the pie chart. |
 | Position | Specifies the position of chart element on the chart. |
 | QuartileCalculation | Specifies the quartile calculation method of Box-whisker series. |
 | RadarChartType | Specifies the chart type for FlexRadar control. |
 | SeriesVisibility | Specifies whether and where the Series is visible. |
 | SliceAttribute | Specifies slice attribute for FlexPie animation. |
 | Stacking | Specifies whether and how to stack the chart's data values. |
 | SymbolMarker | Specifies the type of marker to use for the SymbolMarker property. Applies to Scatter, LineSymbols, and SplineSymbols chart types. |
 | TextWrapping | Text wrap mode of chart legend. |
 | TickMark | Specifies whether and where the axis tick marks appear. |
 | TimeUnits | Specifies time axis units. |
 | TreeMapType | Specifies the treemap type. |