C1.Blazor.Chart Assembly / C1.Chart Namespace / SymbolMarker Enumeration

SymbolMarker Enumeration
Specifies the type of marker to use for the SymbolMarker property. Applies to Scatter, LineSymbols, and SplineSymbols chart types.
Public Enum SymbolMarker 
   Inherits System.Enum
BoxUses a square to mark each data point.
CircleUses a circle to mark each data point.
CrossUses a crossed horizontal and vertical to mark each data point.
DiagCrossUses a diagonal cross to mark each data point.
DiamondUses a solid diamond to mark each data point.
DotUses a solid circle to mark each data point.
HorizontalLineUses a short horizontal line to mark each data point.
InvertedTriUses a solid inverted triangle to mark each data point.
OpenDiamondUses a outline of a diamond to mark each data point.
OpenInvertedTriUses a outline of an inverted triangle to mark each data point.
OpenTriUses a outline of a triangle to mark each data point.
SquareUses a outline of a square to mark each data point.
StarUses a solid star to mark each data point.
TriUses a solid triangle to mark each data point.
VerticalLineUses a short vertical line to mark each data point.
Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also