| Name | Description |
 | ActualAdjacentStyle | Gets the style applied to adjacent slots. |
 | ActualAdjacentYearStyle | Gets the style applied to adjacent year slots. |
 | ActualBoldDayStyle | Gets the style applied to bolded date slots. |
 | ActualDayOfWeekStyle | Gets the style applied to day-of-week slots. |
 | ActualDayStyle | Gets the style applied to day slots. |
 | ActualDisabledMonthStyle | Gets the style applied to disabled month slots. |
 | ActualDisabledStyle | Gets the style applied to disabled slots. |
 | ActualDisabledYearStyle | Gets the style applied to disabled year slots. |
 | ActualHeaderStyle | Gets the style applied to header slots. |
 | ActualMonthStyle | Gets the style applied to month slots. |
 | ActualSelectionStyle | Gets the style applied to selected slots. |
 | ActualTodayStyle | Gets the style applied to today slot. |
 | ActualYearStyle | Gets the style applied to year slots. |
 | Adapter | Gets or sets the adapter that provides the grid with the slots. |
 | AdjacentDayForeground | Gets or sets the color of the adjacent days text. |
 | AdjacentDayStyle | Gets or sets the style for the AdjacentDay slot. |
 | Background | Gets or sets the C1.Blazor.Core.C1Color used to paint the background. (Inherited from C1.Blazor.Core.C1View) |
 | BoldDayStyle | Gets or sets the style for bolded days slot. |
 | BoldedDates | Gets or sets the collection of the Bolded dates. |
 | BorderBrush | Gets or sets the C1.Blazor.Core.C1Color used to paint the border. (Inherited from C1.Blazor.Core.C1View) |
 | BorderThickness | Gets or sets the C1.Blazor.Core.C1Thickness of the border. (Inherited from C1.Blazor.Core.C1View) |
 | CalendarType | Gets or sets the type of calendar. |
 | Class | Gets or sets the CSS class applied to the component. (Inherited from C1.Blazor.Core.C1View) |
 | CollapseViewIconTemplate | Month expanse button content. |
 | CornerRadius | Gets or sets the C1.Blazor.Core.C1CornerRadius of the border. (Inherited from C1.Blazor.Core.C1View) |
 | DayBackground | Gets or sets the background for the day slots. |
 | DayBorderBrush | Gets or sets the color used for the border between day slots. |
 | DayBorderThickness | Gets or sets the border thickness between day slots. |
 | DayForeground | Gets or sets the color of the text displayed in the day slots. |
 | DayOfWeekBackground | Gets or sets the background color for the day of week slots. |
 | DayOfWeekForeground | Gets or sets the color of the text displayed in the day of week slots. |
 | DayOfWeekFormat | Gets or sets the format used to display the day of the week. |
 | DayOfWeekPadding | Gets or sets the padding of the day of week slots. |
 | DayOfWeekSlotTemplate | Gets or sets a data template that defines the UI representation for a day of the week. |
 | DayOfWeekStyle | Gets or sets the style for the Day of Week panel. |
 | DayPadding | Gets or sets the padding of the day slots. |
 | DaySlotTemplate | Gets or sets a data template that defines the UI representation for a single day of the month. |
 | DayStyle | Gets or sets the style for the normal day slot. |
 | DisabledForeground | Gets or sets the color for the text of disabled slots. |
 | DisabledStyle | Gets or sets the style for the disabled slots. |
 | DisplayDate | Gets or sets a value specifying the currently displayed date of the year. |
 | DisplayDateChanged | Occurs when the DisplayDate property has changed. |
 | ExpandViewIconTemplate | Month expanse button content. |
 | FirstDayOfWeek | Gets or sets a value that represents the first day of the week, the one displayed in the first column of the calendar. |
 | FlowDirection | Gets or sets the flow direction. (Inherited from C1.Blazor.Core.C1View) |
 | FontFamily | Gets or sets the font family applied to the view. (Inherited from C1.Blazor.Core.C1View) |
 | FontSize | Gets or sets the font size applied to the view. (Inherited from C1.Blazor.Core.C1View) |
 | FontStyle | Gets or sets the font style applied to the view. (Inherited from C1.Blazor.Core.C1View) |
 | FontWeight | Gets or sets the font weight applied to the view. (Inherited from C1.Blazor.Core.C1View) |
 | Foreground | Gets or sets the C1.Blazor.Core.C1Color used to paint the foreground (text and icons). (Inherited from C1.Blazor.Core.C1View) |
 | HeaderBackground | Gets or sets the background for the header. |
 | HeaderForeground | Gets or sets the color for the header text. |
 | HeaderMonthFormat | Gets or sets the format used to display the month of the year when the ViewMode is CalendarViewMode.Month. |
 | HeaderStyle | Gets or sets the style for the calendar header. |
 | InheritProperties | Gets or sets whether the general purpose properties like foreground or fonts are inherited to the children automatically. (Inherited from C1.Blazor.Core.C1View) |
 | IsDisposed | Gets whether this instance is disposed. (Inherited from C1.Blazor.Core.C1View) |
 | IsFullScreen | The size equal browser's size in DatePicker In DateTimePicker, the size + TimeSelectionPanel = browser's size |
 | IsInitialized | Gets whether the component was already initialized. (Inherited from C1.Blazor.Core.C1View) |
 | ItemValidator | Gets or sets the selected date style. |
 | MaxDate | Gets or sets the latest date that the user can select in the calendar. |
 | MaxSelectionCount | Gets or sets the maximum number of days that can be selected in the control. |
 | MinDate | Gets or sets the earliest date that the user can select in the calendar. |
 | MonthCount | The number of months will be displayed. |
 | MonthStyle | Gets or sets the style for the normal month slot. |
 | NextIconTemplate | Gets or sets the next icon template. |
 | OnSelectionChanged | Gets or sets the callback that is called when the value is changed. |
 | Orientation | Gets or sets a value indicating which orientation the calendar navigates. |
 | Padding | Gets or sets the padding of the Content. (Inherited from C1.Blazor.Core.C1View) |
 | PrevIconTemplate | Gets or sets the previous icon template. |
 | SelectedDate | Gets or sets the currently selected date. |
 | SelectedDateChanged | This Callback will gets and sets by Blazor framework automatically for binding feature. |
 | SelectedDates | Gets or sets the currently selected dates. |
 | SelectedDateStyle | Gets or sets the selected date style. |
 | SelectionBackground | Gets or sets the color used to highlight selected dates. |
 | SelectionForeground | Gets or sets the color for selected date text. |
 | SelectionMode | Gets or sets the selection behavior for the calendar. |
 | SelectionStyle | Gets or sets the style for the selected slots. |
 | ShowAdjacentDay | Default is true - AdjacentDay will invisible if set false. |
 | ShowHeader | Header will be shown if set, default value is true. |
 | ShowNavigationButtons | Navigation Buttons will be shown if set, default value is true. |
 | Style | Gets or sets the style applied to the component. (Inherited from C1.Blazor.Core.C1View) |
 | TabIndex | Gets or sets the value corresponding to the tabindex global attribute. (Inherited from C1.Blazor.Core.C1View) |
 | Tag | Gets or sets an arbitrary object that can be used to identify a specific component. (Inherited from C1.Blazor.Core.C1View) |
 | TodayBackground | Gets or sets the color used to highlight the background of the today day slot. |
 | TodayBorderBrush | Gets or sets the border color for the text of the today day slot. |
 | TodayBorderThickness | Gets or sets the border thickness for the text of the today day slot. |
 | TodayForeground | Gets or sets the color for the text of the today day slot. |
 | TodayIconTemplate | TodayIconTemplate button content. |
 | TodayStyle | Gets or sets the style for the today slot. |
 | ViewMode | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the calendar displays a month, year or decade view. |
 | YearStyle | Gets or sets the style for the normal year slot. |