| Name | Description |
 | _background | Gets or sets the C1.Blazor.Core.C1Color used to paint the background. (Inherited from C1.Blazor.Core.C1View) |
  | AdjacentDayForegroundProperty | Identifies the AdjacentDayForeground dependency property. |
  | AdjacentDayStyleProperty | Identifies the AdjacentDayStyle dependency property. |
  | BoldDayStyleProperty | Identifies the BoldDayStyle dependency property. |
  | BoldedDatesProperty | Identifies the BoldedDates dependency property. |
  | CalendarTypeProperty | Identifies the CalendarType dependency property. |
  | DayBackgroundProperty | Identifies the DayBackground dependency property. |
  | DayBorderBrushProperty | Identifies the DayBorderBrush dependency property. |
  | DayBorderThicknessProperty | Identifies the DayBorderThickness dependency property. |
  | DayForegroundProperty | Identifies the DayForeground dependency property. |
  | DayOfWeekBackgroundProperty | Identifies the DayOfWeekBackground dependency property. |
  | DayOfWeekForegroundProperty | Identifies the DayOfWeekForeground dependency property. |
  | DayOfWeekFormatProperty | Identifies the DayOfWeekFormat dependency property. |
  | DayOfWeekPaddingProperty | Identifies the DayOfWeekPadding dependency property. |
  | DayOfWeekSlotTemplateProperty | Identifies the DayOfWeekSlotTemplate dependency property. |
  | DayOfWeekStyleProperty | Identifies the DayOfWeekStyle dependency property. |
  | DayPaddingProperty | Identifies the DayPadding dependency property. |
  | DaySlotTemplateProperty | Identifies the DaySlotTemplate dependency property. |
  | DayStyleProperty | Identifies the DayStyle dependency property. |
  | DisabledForegroundProperty | Identifies the DisabledForeground dependency property. |
  | DisabledStyleProperty | Identifies the DisabledStyle dependency property. |
  | DisplayDateProperty | Identifies the DisplayDate dependency property. |
  | FirstDayOfWeekProperty | Identifies the FirstDayOfWeek dependency property. |
  | HeaderBackgroundProperty | Identifies the HeaderBackground dependency property. |
  | HeaderForegroundProperty | Identifies the HeaderForeground dependency property. |
  | HeaderMonthFormatProperty | Identifies the HeaderMonthFormat dependency property. |
  | HeaderStyleProperty | Identifies the HeaderStyle dependency property. |
  | ItemValidatorProperty | Identifies the ItemValidator dependency property. |
  | MaxDateProperty | Identifies the MaxDate dependency property. |
  | MaxSelectionCountProperty | Identifies the MaxSelectionCount dependency property. |
  | MinDateProperty | Identifies the MinDate dependency property. |
  | MonthCountProperty | Identifies the MonthCount dependency property. |
  | MonthStyleProperty | Identifies the MonthStyle dependency property. |
  | NextIconTemplateProperty | Identifies the NextIconTemplate dependency property. |
  | OrientationProperty | Identifies the Orientation dependency property. |
  | PrevIconTemplateProperty | Identifies the PrevIconTemplate dependency property. |
  | SelectedDateProperty | Identifies the SelectedDate dependency property. |
  | SelectedDatesProperty | Identifies the SelectedDates dependency property. |
  | SelectedDateStyleProperty | Identifies the SelectedDateStyle dependency property. |
  | SelectionBackgroundProperty | Identifies the SelectionBackground dependency property. |
  | SelectionForegroundProperty | Identifies the SelectionForeground dependency property. |
  | SelectionModeProperty | Identifies the SelectionMode dependency property. |
  | SelectionStyleProperty | Identifies the SelectionStyle dependency property. |
  | ShowAdjacentDayProperty | Identifies the ShowAdjacentDay dependency property. |
  | ShowHeaderProperty | Identifies the ShowHeader dependency property. |
  | ShowNavigationButtonsProperty | Identifies the ShowNavigationButtons dependency property. |
  | TodayBackgroundProperty | Identifies the TodayBackground dependency property. |
  | TodayBorderBrushProperty | Identifies the TodayBorderBrush dependency property. |
  | TodayBorderThicknessProperty | Identifies the TodayBorderThickness dependency property. |
  | TodayForegroundProperty | Identifies the TodayForeground dependency property. |
  | TodayStyleProperty | Identifies the TodayStyle dependency property. |
  | ViewModeProperty | Identifies the ViewMode dependency property. |
  | YearStyleProperty | Identifies the YearStyle dependency property. |