Added Mouse-Hover feature. MouseOverMode and MouseOverBrush new properties.
Added MouseOverMode and MouseOverBrush to C1MultiMonthCalendar.
Added support for semi-transparent selection.
Bug fix
Fixed the issue where ViewMode cannot be changed by tapping blank header area when material theme is applied in MultiMonthCalendar.
Added new alignment options for line marker (PlotTop, PlotBottom, PlotLeft, PlotRight). They allow to display marker outside plot area and over the axes.
Added new variables dataX, dataY that can be used in line marker content template string. They represent marker position in data coordinates.
Added Trendline.Approximate() method that allows to calculated approximated value.
Added Trendline.GetRegressionStatistics() method which return main statistical characteristics about the regression.
Tooltip for multiple pie chart now may include comma-separated values that specify different tooltip template for each pie.
[ScrollViewer] Added C1ScrollViewer.EmptyBackground property that describes the background of an empty space in the corner between the vertical and horizontal scrollbars.
Bug fixes
Fixed the issue where the C1ScrollViewer scrollbars hide if the mouse is over.
[ListView] Fixed the issue where the item is not selected when press Up-arrow key after selected many items in Extended SelectionMode.
[C1DataFilter] Added ConditionalFilter.DefaultFilterOperation property, which provides the ability to set the initial filter operation for a conditional filter expression.
Bug fix
Fixed the issue where there was problem in behavior of filter text of 'Model' column in 'Filter Row' page when clicking the filter icon button after entering a text in the FilterRow of that column.
[Office365] Added FocusCuesVisibility property in the input controls in order to use them for Office365 themes.
Breaking change
Paste method is now obsolete, use PasteAsync instead.
Added TreeLinesMode, TreeIndentMode, TreeLinesBrush, TreeLinesThickness, TreeLinesDashArray, TreeLinesRadiusX and TreeLinesRadiusY properties.
Improved GridFilterRow to keep the filter string in columns with DataMap when an external filtering happens.
Added GroupHeaderFormat validation.
Added GridColumn.PropertyChanged notification of the properties Binding, Format, MinWidth, MaxWidth, HorizontalAlignament, HeaderHorizontalAlignment, AllowSorting, AllowFiltering, AllowGrouping, AllowMerging, AllowResizing, AllowDragging, SortMemberPath, FilterMemberPath, GroupMemberPath, WordWrap and ValueConverter.
Added INotifyPropertyChanged in C1GridControl and notified properties Selection/ViewRange/EditorRange/CursorRange.
Added FlexGrid.ColumnFilterLoading event which occurs when the filter of a column is being loaded.
Reset accumulated column (Auto)width when properties TreeIndent, TreeColumnIndex and TreeIndentMode change.
PasteAsync honoring editing api.
Added ClipboardCopyMode property.
Added 'Copy with Headers' item to the selection menu.
Added copying with headers by pressing Ctrl+Shift+C.
[Office365] Review and update themes. Added style reference for FlexGrid.
Added validation to TreeLinesRadiusX and TreeLinesRadiusX properties to avoid negative values.
Added AllowCustomToggleButton property to GridCellFactory to overcome breaking change due to new grouping improvements.
Bug fixes
Fixed GridDateTimeColumn to avoid double conversion between DateTimeOffset and DateTime.
Fixed the issue where the PropertyChanged event was not raised when changing GridColumn.Index.
Fixed the issue where the exception was thrown if the column-header rows or row-headers columns were modified and HeadersVisibility was set so the modified column or row was hidden.
Removing a range of items in a data-collection only supporting removing single items and raising Reset notification in each removal was causing FlexGrid to remove incorrect indexes. From now, the rows to remove will be ignored if removing one row causes the rest of the rows to be detached from the grid.
Fixed the issue where the GridNewRow was incorrectly allowing entering in edit-mode to cells whose column was read-only.
Fixed validation tooltip not disappearing when setting ShowError=false.
Fixed the issue where the TextBox was not updating accordingly when changing filter from grid when using FullTextFilterBehavior.
Fixed the issue where the Select All option from the Context Menu is not working properly in Selection Modes page
Fixed the issue where ArgumentException occurred in System.Private.CoreLib.dll if frozen values are changed when edit-mode is entered in grid cell of merging applied grid column
Fixed the issue where group rows do not collapse when set TreeExpandMode is Collapsed if FlexGrid is bound with ListCollectionView
Fixed the issue where value in 'Selected Ranges' does not show properly when the grid row is selected again after resetting the selection from 'Selected Ranges' section.
Fixed the issue where automation was throwing an exception when using ChildItemsPath property.
Fixed the issue where GridRow.MinHeight and MaxHeight were not updated the ui when set at runtime.
Fixed exception when scrolling and grouping was applied together with TreeLinesMode=Connected.
Modified input handling to open selection menu on pointer up mouse event instead of down.
Fixed the issue where an empty string is used as the default placeholder.
Fixed memory leak when refreshing a tree-like source.
Fixed memory leak when setting the DataItem of a row before it was attached to the grid.
Bug fixes
Fixed exception when removing an element from the visual tree.
Fixed layout issue that cause grid not to shrink when auto-sizing.
Fixed exception when trying to navigate in a grid with no cells.
Avoid start IME editing if the focus is not in the grid itself.
Fixed the issue with the Cursor property to honor customer set cursor pointer.
Fixed the performance issue in ScrollIntoView when the range is huge.
[Office365] Added FocusCuesVisibility property in the input controls in order to use them for Office365 themes.
Bug fixes
Fixed the issue where C1DropDownButton was not updating FlowDirection in the popup correctly at runtime.
Modified TextBoxes implicit style to include CaretBrush static resource and fix issue when applying themes.
[C1Popup] Adjusted content's width.
[C1ComboBox] Fixed the issue where SelectionCommitted event fires twice after item is selected via keyboard.
[C1NumericBox] Update the formatted value from .NET to the JavaScript side on inputting the same unformatted value.
[C1AutoComplete] Updated display value based on current item's index in the filtered list.
[C1ComboBox] Moved the update of SelectedValue to occur after the change of SelectedIndex when ItemsSource changes.
[C1NumericBox] Treated the scenario where the user enters an unformatted value that is equivalent to the formatted value.