In This Topic
In This Topic
- Added IsEnabled property to CalendarSlotInfo.
- Added BoldDayStyle property.
- Added DayOfWeekPadding property.
- Added C1Calendar.Adapter to perform advanced customizations on the slots.
Bug fixes
- Fixed the issue where selection style is displayed for both Today's date and another chosen date.
- Fixed the issue where DisabledForeground was not honored.
- Fixed the issue where Bolded dates were not working with Today and Adjacent days.
Bug fixes
- Fixed the issue with incorrect size of column/bar chart when legend toggling.
- Fixed the issue with rotated text when using non-English locale.
- Fixed the issue where axis scrollbar and range selector are not displayed correctly on iOS devices.
Breaking changes
- CreateSelectionMenu parameter was changed to accept a collection of ranges.
- [GridControl] Moved AllowDragging and AllowResizing from C1GridControl to FlexGrid.
- Added support for multiple row/cell selection with mouse only by dragging.
- Added MultiRange, ListBox and MultiColumns selection modes to allow selecting non contiguous ranges.
- Added ShowDesignTimeData property to disable design-time data generation.
- Added ability to filter non-primitive types in FullTextFilterBehavior.
- Modified selection-menu to open from tapped cell instead of cursor when clicking a row-header.
- Updated German translations.
- Added customization of cells in GridCellFactory.
- Added support for MatchCase and MatchWholeWord in GridFilterRow for columns with DataMap.
- Improved FlexGrid memory management.
- Modified CheckListBehavior so filtering is disabled in check-box column.
- [GridControl] Added SelectedRanges property to C1GridControl.
- [GridControl] GridControlCellView.IsSelected was converted to SelectedTimes to support overlapping ranges.
Bug fixes
- Fixed the issue where some inconsistent behaviors between Client and Server projects are observed when dragging the columns in grid with scrollbar.
- Fixed the issue where exceptions are thrown incorrectly when the GroupHeaderFormat property has a wrong format.
- Fixed the issue where exception thrown incorrectly if the GroupRowFontSize, ColumnHeaderFontSize and RowHeaderFontSize properties were set to zero.
- Fixed the issue where GridColumn.ActualWidth and GridRow.ActualHeight properties were not returning the right values after auto-sizing.
- Fixed the issue where GridGroupRow.GetCellText method was not honoring aggregate values.
- Fixed the rendering issue when using CheckListBehavior together with FrozenRows.
- Fixed the issue where context Menu did not open in touch device.
- Fixed the issue where two context menus appeared on right clicking the row detail bound with itemsource.
- [GridControl] Fixed the issue where Pull-to-refresh feature was not working.
- [GridControl] Fixed the issue where navigation with PageUp and PageDown was not working fine when FrozenRows was set.
- [GridControl] Fixed issue in selection causing unnecessary rebinding.
- [GridControl] Fixed the issue where move animation was causing layout issues when mixed with collapse and expand animations.
Bug fix
- Fixed the issue where tree nodes can't drop back after all nodes are dragged and dropped to the other tree nodes.