| Name | Description |
 | AllowSplitter | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the viewer allows the view to be split into multiple panes. |
 | AnnotationDropDownVisible | Gets or Sets the dropdown of annotation toolbar. |
 | AnnotationToolbarVisible | Gets or Sets the annotation toolbar's visibility. |
 | AutoBackgroundColor | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the background color is automatically applied to the entire viewing area. |
 | CanExport | Indicates whether the currently loaded report can be exported. |
 | CurrentPage | Gets or sets the current page number displayed in the viewer. |
 | Document | Gets or sets the Active Reports document to be displayed on the Viewer control. |
 | GalleyMode | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the viewer is in Galley Mode. |
 | History | Provides access to the history management functionality of the viewer. |
 | HyperlinkBackColor | Gets or sets the background color for hyperlink text areas within the report viewer. This setting applies only to SectionReports. |
 | HyperlinkForeColor | Gets or sets the foreground color of hyperlinks displayed within the report viewer. |
 | HyperlinkUnderline | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the hyperlink text within the report viewer is underlined. This property is applicable only to SectionReports. |
 | MouseMode | Gets or sets the mouse mode of the viewer. |
 | MouseModeButtonsVisible | Indicates whether the "Pan", "Selection Mode" and "Snapshot" buttons are visible in the viewer toolbar. |
 | MultiplePageCols | Gets or sets the number of pages that are displayed horizontally in the viewer when it is in MultiPage view mode. |
 | MultiplePageRows | Gets or sets the number of pages that are displayed vertically in the viewer when it is in MultiPage view mode. |
 | OpenedReport | Gets the type of the report currently opened in the viewer. |
 | PageOffset | Specifies the location of the page in the viewer. |
 | PagesBackColor | Gets or sets the background color of the pages within the viewer. |
 | PreviewPages | Gets or sets the number of pages to preview when loading a report. Setting this property to a value less than or equal to 0 will result in all pages being loaded and available for preview. |
 | PrintingSettings | Gets or sets the printing settings for the Viewer, determining the behavior of the print operation. |
 | RepositionPage | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the viewer repositions the view to the top of the page when a user navigates to another page after scrolling down on the current page. |
 | ScrollbarEnabled |
Public API. Show or hide scrolls within report pane.
 | ScrollingMode | Gets or sets the scrolling behavior for the document within the viewer. |
 | SearchResultsBackColor | Gets or sets the background color used to highlight text found using the search functionality in the Viewer control. |
 | SearchResultsForeColor | Gets or sets the foreground color used to highlight text found using the search functionality in the Viewer control. |
 | Sidebar | Gets the sidebar component of the viewer control. |
 | SplitView | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the viewer is in Split View mode. |
 | TableOfContents | Gets or sets a reference to the TableOfContentsObject. |
 | TargetView | Gets or sets a value indicating the current target view when the SplitView feature is enabled. |
 | Toolbar | Gets the reference to ToolbarObject of the control. |
 | TouchContextMenuStrip | Get or sets the context menu of touch enabled Viewer. |
 | TouchMode | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the touch mode is enabled or disabled in the viewer. |
 | TouchModeButtonVisibility | Gets or sets the visibility of the touch mode button on the viewer's toolbar. |
 | TouchModeToolbar | Gets the toolbar used in touch mode. |
 | UITheme | Specifies the visual theme for the viewer's user interface. |
 | UseHyperlinkSettings | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the viewer should apply the specified hyperlink settings, such as color, underline, and background color, to hyperlinks within SectionReports. |
 | ViewType | Gets or sets the view type for displaying pages within the viewer. |
 | Zoom | Gets or sets the viewer's zoom level. 1 for FitWidth mode 2 for Fit Whole Page mode. Throws ArgumentOutOfRangeException on invalid value. |