Viewer.ViewerToolbar Class
Gets the viewer toolbar object, allowing you to add and remove items on each of the component ToolStrips, and to implement tool click events for added items.
To implement tool click events, use code like the following in the Form Load event of the form that contains the Viewer control, and then drop down the IntelliSense Generate Method Stub arrow to generate method stubs for the events.
C# code to use in the Form Load event
this.viewer1.Toolbar.NavigationBar.ItemClicked +=new ToolStripItemClickedEventHandler(NavigationBar_ItemClicked);
this.viewer1.Toolbar.MainBar.ItemClicked += new ToolStripItemClickedEventHandler(MainBar_ItemClicked);
this.viewer1.Toolbar.MouseModeBar.ItemClicked += new ToolStripItemClickedEventHandler(MouseModeBar_ItemClicked);
Visual Basic code to use in the Form Load event
AddHandler me.Viewer1.Toolbar.NavigationBar.ItemClicked, AddressOf NavigationBar_ItemClicked
AddHandler me.Viewer1.Toolbar.MainBar.ItemClicked, AddressOf MainBar_ItemClicked
AddHandler me.Viewer1.Toolbar.MouseModeBar.ItemClicked, AddressOf MouseModeBar_ItemClicked