For authentication, the Firestore REST API accepts either a Firebase Authentication ID token or a Google Identity OAuth 2.0 token.
In our example, we will use a Firebase ID token.
We'll first need to import the Firestore and OAuth2 classes:
import { Firestore, OAuth2 } from '@mescius/wijmo.cloud';
We'll then create our OAuth2 object using the Firebase ID token that we generated:
const CLIENT_ID = '60621001861-h0u4ek4kmd3va9o2bubhq9ean0bgrhu2.apps.googleusercontent.com';
const SCOPES = [ 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/userinfo.email' ];
let auth = new OAuth2(API_KEY, CLIENT_ID, SCOPES);
// button to log in/out
let oAuthBtn = document.getElementById('auth_btn');
// click button to log user in or out
oAuthBtn.addEventListener('click', () => {
if (auth.user) {
} else {
To finish authentication, we must also apply the idToken to the Firestore object when the user changes (to use an OAuth2 token, we would set the accessToken property instead):
// update button/sheet state when user changes
auth.userChanged.addHandler(s => {
let user = s.user;
// update button caption
oAuthBtn.textContent = user ? 'Sign Out' : 'Sign In';
// update Firestore ID token
fsNWind.idToken = user ? s.idToken : null;