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Removing Assemblies from the GAC
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 Removal Procedure

In case you run into a problem with removing or deleting assemblies from the global assembly cache (GAC), here is information from the Microsoft Global Technical Engineering Center (GTEC). This is case number SRZ030805001111 regarding Microsoft Visual Studio .NET Enterprise Developer 2002.

The MSN Messenger 6.0 installation sets a default key in the registry, which may cause this issue. To fix it, users may make a backup of the registry key and after the assembly is uninstalled, restore the key to make sure nothing is harmed. To do this:

  1. Click Start > Run, type in "regedit", and click OK. This starts the Registry Editor.
  2. Navigate to the key HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Installer\Assemblies\Global and select it.
  3. Select Export Registry File from the Registry menu to backup the key.
  4. Locate the (Default) key for the assembly to be deleted in the right pane.
  5. Right-click the key and select Delete. This should put the key data to "(value not set)".
  6. Use "gacutil /u" to remove the desired assemblies from the GAC.
  7. Double-click the registry file created in step 3 to restore the key.

The registry key does not have any particular meaning to MSN Messenger. After removing it, Messenger still functions well. Delete it as you like. However, in case it does have a use, you may recover the key by a "Reparation" of MSN Messenger. Simply double-click the installation file SetupNT.exe and it will guide you through the process.


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