Represents the base class for the text editing control.
public abstract class EditBase : ControlBase, IDropTarget, ISynchronizeInvoke, IBindableComponent, IComponent, IDisposable, IWin32Window, ISupportInitialize
Public MustInherit Class EditBase
Inherits ControlBase
Implements IDropTarget, ISynchronizeInvoke, IBindableComponent, IComponent, IDisposable, IWin32Window, ISupportInitialize
This class will process the synchronization between ControlBase and InnerEditor.
Name | Description |
EditBase() | Initializes a new instance of the EditBase class. |
EditBase(IContainer) | Initializes a new instance of the EditBase class. |
Name | Description |
ActiveBackColor | Gets or sets the background color when the control has the input focus. |
ActiveForeColor | Gets or sets the foreground color when the control has the input focus. |
AutoSize | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the control is automatically sized to show all the content in a vertical direction. |
BackColor | Gets or sets the background color of the control. |
BackgroundImage | Gets or sets the background image displayed in the control. |
BackgroundImageLayout | Gets or sets the background image layout as defined in the ImageLayout enumeration. |
BorderStyle | Gets or sets the type of border that is drawn around the EditBase. |
CanUndo | Gets a value that indicates whether the control can undo the previous operation in a control. |
ContentAlignment | Gets or sets the content alignment of the control. |
ContextMenuStrip | Gets or sets the ContextMenuStrip associated with this control. |
DefaultImeMode | This API supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. Gets the default Input Method Editor (IME) mode supported by the control. |
DefaultSize | This API supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. Gets the default size of the control. |
DisabledBackColor | Gets or sets the disabled background color of the control. |
DisabledForeColor | Gets or sets the disabled foreground color of the control. |
EditMode | Gets or sets the edit mode of the control. |
ExitOnLastChar | Gets or sets whether the next control in the tab order receives the focus as soon as the control is filled at the last character. |
ExitOnLeftRightKey | Gets or sets whether the focus automatically moves to the previous or next control in the tab order when pressing the left or right arrow keys. |
FlatStyle | Gets or sets the flat style of the edit control. |
Font | Gets or sets the font of the text displayed by the control. |
ForeColor | Gets or sets the foreground color of the control. |
HideSelection | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to hide the selection when the control does not have focus. |
ImeMode | Gets or sets the Input Method Editor (IME) mode of the control. |
Initializing | Gets a value that indicates whether this EditBase is initializing. |
Modified | Gets or sets a value that indicates that the control has been modified by the user since the control was created or its contents were last set. |
OverWrite | Gets the current edit status of the control. |
Padding | Gets or sets padding within the control. |
ReadOnly | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether this control is read-only. |
ReadOnlyBackColor | Gets or sets the background color when the control is read-only. |
ReadOnlyForeColor | Gets or sets the foreground color when the control is read-only. |
SelectedText | Gets or sets a value that indicates the currently selected text in the control. |
SelectionLength | Gets or sets the number of characters selected in the control. |
SelectionStart | Gets or sets the number of the character's position to start selecting from. |
ShowContextMenu | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to pop up the context menu of the control. |
ShowGrippers | Gets or sets whether shown grippers when inputting by touch. |
ShowTouchToolBar | Gets or sets the how to show the TouchToolBar. |
SingleBorderColor | Gets or sets the color when BorderStyle is FixedSingle. |
Text | Gets or sets the text associated with this control. |
TextLength | Gets the length of the text. |
TouchContextMenuScale | Gets or sets the factor applies to context menu item's height while context menu is popped up by touch. |
TouchDropDownScale | Gets or sets the factor applies to dropdown item while opening dropdown by touch behavior. |
TouchToolBar | Gets the shown TouchToolBar by touch operation. |
Name | Description |
AppendText(string) | Appends text to the current text of the edit control. |
Clear() | Clears all text in the control. |
ClearUndo() | Clears information about the most recent operation from the undo buffer of the control. |
Copy() | Copies the current selection in the control to the Clipboard. |
Cut() | Moves the current selection in the control to the Clipboard. |
DeselectAll() | Specifies that the value of the SelectionLength property is zero so that no characters are selected in the control. |
Dispose(bool) | Releases the unmanaged resources used by the ElementContainerControl and its child controls or elements and optionally releases the managed resources. |
GetDefaultShortcuts() | Gets the default shortcuts. |
GetPreferredSize(Size) | Retrieves the size of a rectangular area into which a control can fit. |
IsInputChar(char) | This API supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. Determines if a character is an input character that the control recognizes. |
IsInputKey(Keys) | This API supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. Determines whether the specified key is a regular input key or a special key that requires preprocessing. |
MoveFocusByKeyExit(KeyExitEventArgs) | Moves the focus using the key exit event. |
OnBorderStyleChanged(EventArgs) | Raises the BorderStyleChanged event. |
OnContentAlignmentChanged(EventArgs) | Occurs when the ContentAlignment property is changed. |
OnEditStatusChanged(EditStatusChangedEventArgs) | Raises the EditStatusChanged event. |
OnEnabledChanged(EventArgs) | Raises the EnabledChanged event. |
OnEnter(EventArgs) | Raises the Enter event. |
OnFontChanged(EventArgs) | Raises the FontChanged event. |
OnGotFocus(EventArgs) | Raises the GotFocus event. |
OnHandleCreated(EventArgs) | Raises the HandleCreated event. |
OnHideSelectionChanged(EventArgs) | Raises the HideSelection event. |
OnInvalidInput(EventArgs) | Raises the InvalidInput event. |
OnKeyExit(KeyExitEventArgs) | Raises the KeyExit event. |
OnLeave(EventArgs) | Raises the Leave event. |
OnLocationChanged(EventArgs) | Raises the LocationChanged event. |
OnLostFocus(EventArgs) | Raise the LostFocus event. |
OnModifiedChanged(EventArgs) | Raises the ModifiedChanged event. |
OnPaddingChanged(EventArgs) | Raises the PaddingChanged event. |
OnParentBackColorChanged(EventArgs) | Raises the BackColorChanged event when the BackColor property value of the control's container changes. |
OnReadOnlyChanged(EventArgs) | Raises the ReadOnlyChanged event. |
OnTextChanging(TextChangingEventArgs) | Raises the TextChanging event. |
OnValidated(EventArgs) | Raises the Validated event. |
OnValidating(CancelEventArgs) | Raises the Validating event. |
OnVisibleChanged(EventArgs) | Raises the VisibleChanged event. |
Paste() | Replaces the current selection in the control with the contents of the Clipboard. |
ResetText() | Resets the Text property to its default value. |
ScrollToCaret() | Scrolls the content of the control to the current caret position. |
Select(int, int) | Selects a range of text in the control. |
SelectAll() | Selects all text in the control. |
SetBoundsCore(int, int, int, int, BoundsSpecified) | Sets the specified boundary of the EditBase control. |
Undo() | Undoes the last edit operation in the control. |
WndProc(ref Message) | Processes Windows messages. |
Name | Description |
AutoSizeChanged | Occurs when the AutoSize property is changed. |
BorderStyleChanged | Occurs when the BorderStyle property is changed. |
ContentAlignmentChanged | Occurs when ContentAlignment property is changed. |
EditStatusChanged | Occurs when toggling between insert and overwrite mode. |
HideSelectionChanged | Occurs when the HideSelection property is changed. |
InvalidInput | Occurs when entering invalid characters. |
KeyExit | Occurs when entering special keys that cause the control to lose focus. |
ModifiedChanged | Occurs when the Modified property is changed. |
ReadOnlyChanged | Occurs when the ReadOnly property is changed. |
TextChanging | Occurs just before the Text property is changed in the control. |