Represents the appearance of the cells in the worksheet.
public interface IStyle
Public Interface IStyle
Name | Description |
Borders | Returns a IBorders collection that represents the borders of the style. |
BuiltIn | Gets a value indicating whether the style is a built-in style. |
Font | Returns a IFont object that represents the font of the style. |
HorizontalAlignment | Gets or sets a horizontal aligment value that represents the horizontal alignment for the style. |
IncludeAlignment | Gets a value indicating whether the style includes the alignment properties. |
IncludeBorder | Gets a value indicating whether the style includes the Color, LineStyle, and Weight border properties.. |
IncludeFont | Gets a value indicating whether the style includes the font properties. |
IncludeNumber | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the style includes the NumberFormat property. |
IncludePatterns | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the style includes the interior properties. |
IncludeProtection | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the style includes the protection properties. |
IndentLevel | Gets or sets a value that represents the indent level for the style. |
Interior | Returns an IInterior object that represents the interior of the specified object. |
Locked | Gets or sets a value that indicates if the object is locked. |
Name | Returns a value that represents the name of the style. |
NumberFormat | Gets or sets a string value that represents the format code for the style. |
Orientation | Gets or sets a value that represents the text orientation. |
ShrinkToFit | Gets or sets a bool value that indicates if text automatically shrinks to fit in the available column width. |
VerticalAlignment | Gets or sets a value that represents the vertical alignment of the style. |
WrapText | Gets or sets a value that indicates if the text is wrapped in the cell. |
Name | Description |
Delete() | Deletes this style. |