The client-side TouchStrip class contains the following members.
Constructor | Description |
public TouchStrip() | Creates a new instance of the touch strip that represents the touch menu bar |
public TouchStrip(htmlTouchStrip: HTMLElement) | Creates a new instance of the touch strip that represents the touch menu bar |
Property | Description |
public TouchStripItem[] Items {get;} | Provides access to the items list of a touch strip |
public TouchStripShowingArea Area {get;} | Gets the TouchStripShowingArea where the touch strip is displayed |
public FpSpread Spread {get;} | Gets the Spread which owns the current touch strip |
public ToolStripDropDown DroppedDownMenu {get;} | Gets the current active child menu |
Method | Description |
public bool Show(x: number, y: number, spread: IFpSpread); | Shows the Spread touch strip at the specified location. Returns true if the touch strip is displayed; otherwise, false |
public bool Show(x: number, y: number, spread: IFpSpread, area: TouchStripShowingArea); | Displays the Spread touch strip at the specified location. Returns true if the touch strip is displayed; otherwise, false |
public void Hide(); | Hides the touch strip |
public HTMLElement Refresh(); | Updates the generated HTML of the touch strip menu |
public void AddEventListener(string eventName, EventListener listener) | Registers an event listener on the event target object |
public void RemoveEventListener(string eventName, EventListener listener) | Unregisters an event listener on the event target object |
public void OnItemClick(Event event) | Occurs when the user clicks into an enabled menu item |
public void Refresh() | Updates the generated HTML of the ToolStripDropDown menu |
Event | Description |
public event Clicked(TouchStripItemClickedEventArgs); | Occurs when the Spread TouchStrip item is selected |
This is a sample that creates a touch strip. On the client side, the script would look like this:
<script type="text/javascript">
window.onload = function () {
var spread = document.getElementById("FpSpread1");
spread.addEventListener("TouchStripOpening", function (e) {
var touchStrip = new FarPoint.Web.Spread.TouchStrip();
touchStrip.Items.push(new FarPoint.Web.Spread.TouchStripItem("Test"));
touchStrip.Show(e.X, e.Y, e.Spread, e.Area);
e.Handled = true;
touchStrip.AddEventListener("Clicked", function (e) { //global touch strip event
touchStrip.Items[0].AddEventListener("Clicked", function (e) { //touch strip item event
alert("menu item");