Occurs just before the Spread component makes a request to the ASPX page.
[Inline HTML]
<ELEMENT CallBackStart = "handler" ...>
FpSpread1.addEventListener("CallBackStart", handler, ...)
FpSpread1.onCallBackStart = handler
Whether to cancel the callback request
Asynchronous or not
Command name of the callback
This event is triggered when there is a request to the ASPX page.
If the cancel argument is set to true, the request is canceled.
This example JavaScript code maps the event for the Spread on the client side. Set ClientAutoCalculation to True for the Spread component in Page Load and type in a cell at run time to see the alerts in the client side code.
<script lang="javascript" type="text/javascript">
window.onload = function () {
var spread1 = document.getElementById("<%=FpSpread1.ClientID %>");
if (document.all) {
// IE
if (spread1.addEventListener) {
// IE9
spread1.addEventListener("CallBackStart", CallBackStart, false);
spread1.addEventListener("CallBackStopped", CallBackStopped, false);
} else {
// Other versions of IE and IE9 quirks mode (no doctype set)
spread1.onCallBackStart = CallBackStart;
spread1.onCallBackStopped = CallBackStopped;
else {
// Firefox
spread1.addEventListener("CallBackStart", CallBackStart, false);
spread1.addEventListener("CallBackStopped", CallBackStopped, false);
function CallBackStart(event) {
if (event==null) event = window.event;
function CallBackStopped(event) {