Specifies the shape type for an IShape object.
public enum AutoShapeType : short
Public Enum AutoShapeType As Short
Name | Description |
AlternateProcessFlow | Alternate process flowchart symbol |
BackorPreviousButton | Back or Previous button. Supports mouse-click and mouse-over actions. |
BeginningButton | Beginning button. Supports mouse-click and mouse-over actions. |
BentArrow | Block arrow that follows a curved 90-degree angle. |
BentConnector2 | Bent connector 2 |
BentConnector3 | Bent connector 3 |
BentConnector4 | Bent connector 4 |
BentConnector5 | Bent connector 5 |
BentUpArrow | Block arrow that follows a sharp 90-degree angle. Points up by default. |
Bevel | Bevel |
BlankButton | Button with no default picture or text. Supports mouse-click and mouse-over actions. |
BlockArc | Block arc |
BracePair | Double brace |
BracketPair | Double bracket |
Callout1 | Callout with horizontal line |
Callout1Accent | Callout with horizontal accent bar |
Callout1Border | Callout with horizontal line and border |
Callout1BorderAccent | Callout with border and horizontal accent bar |
Callout2 | Callout with diagonal callout line |
Callout2Accent | Callout with diagonal callout line and accent bar |
Callout2Border | Callout with angled callout line and border |
Callout2BorderAccent | Callout with border, diagonal straight line, and accent bar |
Callout3 | Callout with angled callout line |
Callout3Accent | Callout with angled callout line and accent bar |
Callout3Border | Callout with angled callout line and border |
Callout3BorderAccent | Callout with border, angled callout line, and accent bar |
CalloutCloud | Cloud callout |
Can | Can |
ChartPlus | Square divided vertically and horizontally into four quarters |
ChartStar | Square divided into six parts along vertical and diagonal lines |
ChartX | Square divided into four parts along diagonal lines |
Chevron | Chevron |
Chord | Circle with a line connecting two points on the perimeter through the interior of the circle; a circle with a chord |
CircularArrow | Block arrow that follows a curved 180-degree angle |
Cloud | Cloud shape |
CollateFlow | Collate flowchart symbol |
ConnectorFlow | Connector flowchart symbol |
Corner | Rectangle with rectangular-shaped hole. |
CornerTabs | Four right triangles aligning along a rectangular path; four 'snipped' corners. |
Cube | Cube |
CurvedArc | Arc |
CurvedConnector2 | Curved connector 2 |
CurvedConnector3 | Curved connector 3 |
CurvedConnector4 | Curved connector 4 |
CurvedConnector5 | Curved connector 5 |
CurvedDownArrow | Block arrow that curves down |
CurvedLeftArrow | Block arrow that curves left |
CurvedRightArrow | Block arrow that curves right |
CurvedUpArrow | Block arrow that curves up |
Custom | The custom shape. |
Decagon | Decagon |
DecisionFlow | Decision flowchart symbol |
DelayFlow | Delay flowchart symbol |
DiagonalStripe | Rectangle with two triangles-shapes removed; a diagonal stripe |
Diamond | Diamond |
DisplayFlow | Display flowchart symbol |
DocumentButton | Document button. Supports mouse-click and mouse-over actions. |
DocumentFlow | Document flowchart symbol |
Dodecagon | Dodecagon |
Donut | Donut |
DoubleWave | Double wave |
DownArrow | Block arrow that points down |
DownArrowCallout | Callout with arrow that points down |
EightPointedStar | 8-point star |
Ellipse | Ellipse |
EllipseRibbon | Ellipse ribbon |
EllipseRibbon2 | Ellipse ribbon 2 |
EndButton | End button. Supports mouse-click and mouse-over actions. |
ExtractFlow | Extract flowchart symbol |
FivePointedStar | 5-point star |
FoldedCorner | Folded corner |
ForwardorNextButton | Forward or Next button. Supports mouse-click and mouse-over actions. |
FourPointedStar | 4-point star |
Frame | Rectangular picture frame |
Funnel | Funnel |
Gear6 | Gear with six teeth |
Gear9 | Gear with nine teeth |
HalfFrame | Half of a rectangular picture frame |
Heart | Heart |
HelpButton | Help button. Supports mouse-click and mouse-over actions. |
Heptagon | Heptagon |
Hexagon | Hexagon |
HomeButton | Home button. Supports mouse-click and mouse-over actions. |
HomePlate | Home place |
HorizontalScroll | Horizontal scroll |
InformationButton | Information button. Supports mouse-click and mouse-over actions. |
InputOutputFlow | Input output flowchart symbol |
InternalStorageFlow | Internal storage flowchart symbol |
IrregularSeal1 | Irregular seal 1 |
IrregularSeal2 | Irregular seal 2 |
LeftArrow | Block arrow that points left |
LeftArrowCallout | Callout with arrow that points left |
LeftBrace | Left brace |
LeftBracket | Left bracket |
LeftCircularArrow | Circular arrow pointing counter-clockwise |
LeftRightArrow | Block arrow with arrowheads that point both left and right |
LeftRightArrowCallout | Callout with arrowheads that point both left and right |
LeftRightCircularArrow | Circular arrow pointing clockwise and counter-clockwise; a curved arrow with points at both ends |
LeftRightRibbon | Lef ellipse ribbon |
LeftRightUpArrow | Block arrow with arrowheads that point left, right, and up |
LeftUpArrow | Block arrow with arrowheads that point left and up |
LightningBolt | Lightning bolt |
Line | Line |
LineInverse | Line inverse |
MagneticDiskFlow | Magnetic disk flowchart symbol |
MagneticDrumFlow | Magnetic drum flowchart symbol |
MagneticTapeFlow | Magnetic tape flowchart symbol |
ManualInputFlow | Manual input flowchart symbol |
ManualOperationFlow | Manual operation flowchart symbol |
MathDivide | Division symbol |
MathEqual | Equivalence symbol |
MathMinus | Subtraction symbol |
MathMultiply | Multiplication symbol |
MathNotEqual | Non-equivalence symbol |
MathPlus | Addition symbol |
MergeFlow | Merge flowchart symbol |
Moon | Moon |
MovieButton | Movie button. Supports mouse-click and mouse-over actions. |
MultiDocumentFlow | Multi-document flowchart symbol |
NoSymbol | "No" symbol |
NonIsoscelesTrapezoid | Trapezoid with asymmetrical non-parallel sides |
NotchedRightArrow | Notched block arrow that points right |
Octagon | Octagon |
OffPageConnectorFlow | Off-page connector flowchart symbol |
OfflineStorageFlow | Offline storage flowchart symbol |
OneRoundCornerRectangle | Rectangle with one rounded corner |
OneSnipCornerRectangle | Rectangle with one snipped corner |
OneSnipOneRoundCornerRectangle | Rectangle with one snipped corner and one rounded corner |
OnlineStorageFlow | Online storage flowchart symbol |
OrFlow | "Or" flowchart symbol |
Parallelogram | Parallelogram |
Pentagon | Pentagon |
Pie | Circle ('pie') with a portion missing |
PieWedge | Quarter of a circular shape |
Plaque | Plaque |
PlaqueTabs | Four quarter-circles defining a rectangular shape |
Plus | Plus symbol |
PredefinedProcessFlow | Predefined process flowchart symbol |
PreparationFlow | Preparation flowchart symbol |
ProcessFlow | Process flowchart symbol |
PunchedCardFlow | Card flowchart symbol |
PunchedTapeFlow | Punched tape flowchart symbol |
QuadArrow | Block arrows that point up, down, left, and right |
QuadArrowCallout | Callout with arrows that point up, down, left, and right |
Rectangle | Rectangle |
ReturnButton | Return button. Supports mouse-click and mouse-over actions. |
Ribbon | Ribbon |
Ribbon2 | Ribbon 2 |
RightArrow | Block arrow that points right |
RightArrowCallout | Callout with arrow that points right |
RightBrace | Right brace |
RightBracket | Right bracket |
RightTriangle | Right triangle |
RoundCornerRectangle | Rounded rectangle |
SevenPointedStar | 7-point star |
SixPointedStar | 6-point star |
SixteenPointedStar | 16-point star |
SmileyFace | Smiley face |
SortFlow | Sort flowchart symbol |
SoundButton | Sound button. Supports mouse-click and mouse-over actions. |
SquareTabs | Four small squares that define a rectangular shape |
StraightConnector1 | Straight connector |
StripedRightArrow | Block arrow that points right with stripes at the tail |
SummingJunctionFlow | Summing junction flowchart symbol |
Sun | Sum |
SwooshArrow | Curved arrow |
Teardrop | Water droplet |
TenPointedStar | 10-point star |
TerminatorFlow | Terminator flowchart symbol |
ThirtyTwoPointedStar | 32-point star |
Trapezoid | Trapezoid |
Triangle | Triangle |
TwelvePointedStar | 12-point star |
TwentyFourPointedStar | 24-point star |
TwoDiagonalRoundCornerRectangle | Rectangle with two rounded corners, diagonally-opposed |
TwoDiagonalSnipCornerRectangle | Rectangle with two snipped corners, diagonally-opposed |
TwoSameSideRoundCornerRectangle | Rectangle with two-rounded corners that share a side |
TwoSameSideSnipCornerRectangle | Rectangle with two snipped corners that share a side |
UTurnArrow | Block arrow forming a U shape |
Unspecified | Return value only; indicates a combination of the other states. |
UpArrow | Block arrow that points up |
UpArrowCallout | Callout with arrow that points up |
UpDownArrow | Block arrow with arrowheads that point both up and down |
UpDownArrowCallout | Callout with arrowheads that point both up and down |
VerticalScroll | Vertical scroll |
Wave | Wave |
WedgeEllipseCallout | Callout with wedge and ellipse |
WedgeRectangleCallout | Callout with wedge and rectangle |
WedgeRoundRectangleCallout | Callout with wedge and round rectangle |