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PaintCell Method

PaintCell(Graphics, Rectangle, Appearance, object, bool, bool, float)

Paints the row header cell when not in edit mode to the specified graphics interface with the specified appearance settings.

public override void PaintCell(Graphics g, Rectangle r, Appearance appearance, object value, bool isSelected, bool isLocked, float zoomFactor)
Public Overrides Sub PaintCell(g As Graphics, r As Rectangle, appearance As Appearance, value As Object, isSelected As Boolean, isLocked As Boolean, zoomFactor As Single)
Type Name Description
Graphics g

Graphics device interface for painting the row header cell

Rectangle r

Location and size of a rectangular region for painting the row header cell

Appearance appearance

Appearance settings of the row header cell

object value

Object that contains the name of the renderer control of the row header cell

bool isSelected

Whether the row header cell is selected

bool isLocked

Whether the row header cell is locked

float zoomFactor

Numeric value for scaling the display of the row header cell
