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Release Notes for Version 12.2.0

Enhancements from the Previous Release

The following features and enhancements have been incorporated in this version of the product.

  • Display Preview Line for Print.

    Now, users can show the print line indicator in the viewport area just like in Excel. Using this, users can quickly get information on whether the desired worksheet data will be printed on the correct page or not.

  • Get Page Information

    Users can get information about the page like row count, column count, row number, column number, etc. while printing the worksheet data.

  • Print Background Image as Watermark

    Users can print any background image of their choice as a watermark.

  • Using CalcEngine Language Package

    SpreadJS now supports 18+ languages for localization of the function names, table function names, CalcError names, special function logic, and Boolean value resource. This allows users to enter formulas using their regional language syntax.

  • Using Custom Language Package

    SpreadJS now supports globalization and custom localization. Users can now create their own custom language package to display text in their preferred language.

  • Wrap Text in Cell

    Users can display large content in a single cell by wrapping the text (containing space or hyphen characters) in a cell.

  • Configure Data Markers

    While working with line charts and radar charts, users can change the default data markers by using the new chart symbols introduced in this version. This feature helps users to distinguish information and visualize data more effectively.

  • Drag Fill Enhancements

    The drag fill behavior has been enhanced to support advanced auto-filling operations like dragging and filling the first day, last day, or same day of the month; filling strings that contain numbers at the start or end, and filling cells with data present in custom lists.

  • JavaScript Frameworks Enhancement - For the sheet element in the Angular framework, the Spread-Sheets element in the React framework and the gc-spread-sheets element in the Vue framework some more options have been supported.

Resolved Issues

The following issues have been resolved since the last release.

  • Now, the shape position remains intact and doesn't change after users import an Excel file [269623].

  • No errors are thrown while importing an Excel file and deleting a sheet after calling the suspendCalcService() method. [273226]

  • No exceptions are thrown while working on the Angular framework with SpreadJS during the import of an Excel file. [273487]

  • Now, there are no compatibility issues between Spread JS V10 and V11 while working with data validation. [272750]

  • The rounding of the ROUND formula at a specific value now works correctly without any issues. [273684]

  • The issues in the switch page throw in the console have been fixed. [273273]

  • No errors are thrown while importing attachments in Excel. [273544]

  • While copying and pasting data from Excel to SpreadJS in IE11, no blank spaces appear in the cells now. [SJS-728]

  • While using a migration file, no exceptions are thrown if the highlightInvalidData option is set to true. [SJS-668]