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Sort with Grouped Data

SpreadJS allows you to sort grouped data in different ways by using groupSort enumeration. It provides four values that define the way in which group sorting will occur:

Enum Value

Sort Type



Flat Sort

Sorts the data in a flat manner without considering any group


Group Level Sort

Sorts and moves the group but keeps the group data as it is


Child Level Sort

Sorts the group data but keeps the group as it is


Full Sort

Sorts the group and group data, both

The below image explains different types of group sorting with an example:

Original Data

Flat Sort

Group Level Sort

Child Level Sort

Full Sort

If sorting is applied on a range that contains grouped data and groupSort enumeration is not defined, group-level sorting will occur within the group. Also, the data out of the sorting range will not change its location. For example, If you sort column A, the data in column C won't change.

The following code sample shows how to sort the grouped data by using API members and UI operation by using code.

// set data
activeSheet.setArray(3, 0, [
    [2], [1], ['cc'], [2], [1], ['bb'], [1], [2], ['aa'], [1], [2], ['dd']
activeSheet.rowOutlines.group(3, 2);
activeSheet.rowOutlines.group(6, 2);
activeSheet.rowOutlines.group(9, 2);
activeSheet.rowOutlines.group(12, 2);

// set rowFilter
activeSheet.rowFilter(new GC.Spread.Sheets.Filter.HideRowFilter(new GC.Spread.Sheets.Range(3, 0, 13, 1)));

//1) If you want to sort the grouped data by UI operation (sorting using filter dialog), you should use RangeSorting event
spread.bind(GC.Spread.Sheets.Events.RangeSorting, function (e, info) {
    // set GroupSort to full
    info.groupSort = GC.Spread.Sheets.GroupSort.full;
// 2) If you want to use api to sort the grouped data, you should use this code:
//activeSheet.sortRange(3, 0, 13, 1, true, [{ index: 0, ascending: true }], { groupSort: GC.Spread.Sheets.GroupSort.full });