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Set Template Cell Type

Template cell types are a useful setting for efficiently organizing data within a ReportSheet. For example, if you want to create a row-based report, you can use the 'List' cell type, or if you want to create a sales summary report, you can use the 'Group' and 'Summary' cell types.

To configure the template cell type in a TemplateSheet, use the setTemplateCell method and specify the values ​​for the type and binding properties.

All supported cell types are listed below.

  • StaticCell

  • ListCell

  • GroupCell

  • SummaryCell

The following code samples show how to set different template cell types for the cells in reports.

const columns = ['orderId', 'orderDate', 'freight', 'customerId','shipName', 'shipCity', 'shipCountry'];
columns.forEach((columnName, i) => {
       templateSheet.setValue(0, i, `${columnName[0].toUpperCase()}${columnName.substring(1)}`);
       templateSheet.setTemplateCell(1, i, {
           type: 'List',
           binding: `Orders[${columnName}]`,

templateSheet.addSpan(1, 0, 2, 1);
templateSheet.setTemplateCell(1, 0, {
       type: 'Group',
       binding: 'Orders[CustomerId]',
templateSheet.setTemplateCell(1, 1, {
       type: 'Group',
       formula: '=YEAR([@orderDate])',
       binding: 'Orders[OrderDate]'

templateSheet.setTemplateCell(1, 2, {
       type: 'Summary',
       binding: 'Orders[Freight]',

templateSheet.setTemplateCell(0, 0, {
       type: 'Group',
       binding: `Sales[Region]`,
templateSheet.setTemplateCell(0, 1, {
       type: 'Summary',
       binding: `Sales[Sales]`,
       aggregate: 'Sum',
templateSheet.setTemplateCell(0, 2, {
       type: 'List',
       binding: `Sales[Salesman]`,

Note that SpreadJS Designer also provides this configuration through its TemplateSheet settings. This setting enables you to select the desired cell type from the Type section in the Report Cell properties panel.


Based on the cell type selected, the setting options will be different.

A GroupCell is an extension of the base data cell that includes additional properties for advanced grouping. Advanced grouping allows users to group data based on condition rules or formula-calculated results. This feature enhances the data organization capabilities within the ReportSheet.

Using the bins and formula properties of the IGroupBin interface, you can define additional advanced grouping options in a GroupCell.



Sample Code


Users can add several custom group rules within the bins to match different records.


Represents the name shown in the group result.

sheet.setTemplateCell(1, 0, {

binding: "Sales-NY[Sales]",

type: "Group",

bins: [

{caption: "Sales <= 200", groupBy: "=([@Sales] <= 200)"},

{caption: "Sales > 200 && Sales <= 500", groupBy: "=AND([@Sales] > 200, [@Sales] <= 500)"},

{caption: "Region", groupBy: "[@Region]"},



groupBy [formula condition]

Groups data by the formula result.

sheet.setTemplateCell(1, 0, {

binding: "Sales-NY[Sales]",

type: "Group",

bins: [

{caption: "Sales <= 200", groupBy: "=([@Sales] <= 200)"},

{caption: "Sales > 200 && Sales <= 500", groupBy: "=AND([@Sales] > 200, [@Sales] <= 500)"},

{caption: "Sales > 500", groupBy: "=([@Sales] > 500)"},



groupBy [field]

Groups data by the field value.

sheet.setTemplateCell(1, 0, {

binding: "Sales-NY[Sales]",

type: "Group",

bins: [

{caption: "Sales <= 200", groupBy: "=([@Sales] <= 200)"},

{caption: "Region", groupBy: "[@Region]"}



groupBy [blank string]

Indicates a default group for records that do not match other conditions.

sheet.setTemplateCell(1, 0, {

binding: "Sales-NY[Sales]",

type: "Group",

bins: [

{caption: "Sales <= 200", groupBy: "=([@Sales] <= 200)"},

{caption: "Sales > 200 && Sales <= 500", groupBy: "=AND([@Sales] > 200, [@Sales] <= 500)"},

{caption: "Others", groupBy: ""} // match the remaining records.




Determines whether the grouping should stop after a match is found. The default value is true.

sheet.setTemplateCell(1, 0, {

binding: "Sales-NY[Sales]",

type: "Group",

bins: [

{caption: "Sales <= 200", groupBy: "=([@Sales] <= 200)"},

{caption: "Sales > 200 && Sales <= 500", groupBy: "=AND([@Sales] > 200, [@Sales] <= 500)", stopIfTrue: false},

{caption: "Sales >= 500", groupBy: "=([@Sales] >= 500)"},




Determines if a group that does not match any records, will not be shown in the result because it is a blank group with no records.

sheet.setTemplateCell(1, 0, {

binding: "Sales-NY[Sales]",

type: "Group",

bins: [

{caption: "Sales < 0", groupBy: "=([@Sales] < 0)", alwaysVisible: true},

{caption: "Sales <= 200", groupBy: "=([@Sales] <= 200)"},

{caption: "Sales > 200 && Sales <= 500", groupBy: "=AND([@Sales] > 200, [@Sales] <= 500)"},

{caption: "Sales > 500", groupBy: "=([@Sales] > 500)"},




Users can use a formula to calculate all records and then group by the formula calculated result.


Groups data based on a calculated value from a table field.

sheet.setTemplateCell(1, 0, {

binding: "Orders[orderDate]",

type: "Group",

formula: "=YEAR([@orderDate])"


sheet.setTemplateCell(1, 1, {

binding: "Orders[orderDate]",

type: "Group",

formula: "=MONTH([@orderDate])"



  • The groupBy formula in bins rules supports static values and structure references, such as `[@columnName]`.

    Cell references are not supported.

  • In advanced group formulas, only the column field in the cell-binding table can be used.