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Resource and Assignment

You can efficiently manage tasks, schedules, and resources with the use of the GanttSheet resource feature. Using GanttSheet resources, you may designate which resources are allocated to which tasks and assign various tasks to different resources.

By listing all the resources needed for the project in the GanttSheet and linking them to tasks, it is possible to more accurately estimate and follow the development of tasks. Additionally, by optimizing the allocation and utilization of resources, you can increase the efficiency and effectiveness of your projects and manage costs appropriately.

Let's discuss the GanttSheet resource feature in detail.

Loading Resources

To use the resource feature, first, you need to set up corresponding data sources for resources and assignments to create necessary relationships.

You can add resources using the Task, Assignment, and Resources tables linked by a relationship. Additionally, the relationship between the Task and the Assignment tables must have the source name and target name. The Resources column can retrieve the Resources Name directly from the configured relationship.

The following sample code adds the dataType of the TaskResources, which adds a dropdown box to the Resources column.

dataManager.addRelationship(assignmentTable, "taskId", "task", taskTable, "id", "taskId");
dataManager.addRelationship(assignmentTable, "resourceId", "resource", resourceTable, "id", "assignment");
ganttView = taskTable.addView("ganttView", [
    { value: "id", caption: "ID", width: 60 },
    { value: "parentId", caption: "PID", width: 60 },
    { value: "taskNumber", caption: "Task Number", width: 120 },
    { value: "mode", caption: "Mode", width: 65 },
    { value: "name", caption: "Task Name", width: 200 },
    { value: "duration", caption: "Duration", width: 90 },
    { value: "predecessors", caption: "Predecessors", width: 120 },
    { value: "taskId.resource.name", caption: "Resources Name", dataType: "TaskResources", width: 300 },
ganttView.fetch().then(function() {

The output of the above code will display the corresponding Resource Name on top of the GanttSheet as shown in the image below.

GS-Resource name

Changing Resource Assignment

GanttSheet lets you assign resources by using the Resource column.

The Resources column of the GanttSheet displays the contents of all Resources as shown in the image below.

GS-Resources column

When you have the resource name column and the resources table is bound, the current column's cell type will display all existing resources in the dropdown. You can add and update resources to the active task using the drop-down menu. All the updates to assignments result in changes to the Assignment table. The GanttSheet will first divide the current operation into multiple inserts and removes actions before generating the necessary changes and then will store them on the Assignment table.

Additionally, you can also delete tasks and resources from the GanttSheet. Note that deleting a task or resource can remove multiple related Assignments at the same time.

Submitting Assignment Changes

Once all the changes are made, you need to submit all the assignment changes you have made. If there are no resources, only the current view will be changed. But when resources are added, the Assignment information needs to be submitted, and then the Assignment information is submitted with the Task. You have to submit the changes to the task and the changes to the Assignment table at the same time in Ganttsheet.submitChanges.

Updating Resources

The Resources table can only be changed in the TableSheet. To update the content of the Resources used in the GanttSheet, you must submit the current modifications to the data source to retrieve the relevant content again.

Only when the Resources table commits the most recent modifications to the database, the GanttSheet must retrieve the resources data again to accurately update the resources under the Resources column.

Setting Work Time of the Assignments

Assigning resources to a task doesn't affect its duration but increases the working time of the current task.

The working time of a task represents the work time of all the resources assigned to the current task, and the default unit is hours.

GS-Assignment and Work Time

To add a column for working time, you need to add a column above the view with the name "workTime". For example, if a task currently has a duration of 1 day and 2 resources are working on it at the same time, the working time for this task is 2 days. The daily working time is 8 hours, so the total working time for the current task is 16 hours.

var view = taskTable.addView("ganttView1", [
    { value: "workTime" },


  • In a normal task, the current work time is the duration multiplied by the number of resources.

  • In a summary task, the current work time is the duration multiplied by the number of resources, then added to the work time of all child nodes.

  • If the current summary task has no resource, then its work time is the sum of the work time of all child nodes.

Using Designer

You can use the following steps to add and update GanttSheet resources in the SpreadJS Designer.

  1. Click the DATA tab to add the DataSource.

  2. Add the Task, Resources, and Assignment tables in the Data Source window.

    GS-Add Tables

  3. Add task and assignment.

  4. Add a relationship in the taskId column.

    GS-Task and Assignment1

  5. Set the id column as the primary key of the Task table.

    GS-Task and Assignment2

  6. Add resources and assignments.

  7. Add a relationship in the resourcesId column.

    GS-Resources and Assignment1

  8. Set id as the primary key of the Resources table.

    GS-Resources and Assignment2

  9. Add Work Time column.

    GS-Add Work Time Column

  10. Add Resources column.

    GS-Add Resources Column

    Note that the column value is “TaskTable_id.AssignmentTable_resourceId.name“, which means that the Task able target relation name points to the Assignment Table's source relation name.

  11. Add GanttSheet with resources.

    GS-add GS with Resources

  12. Update resources.

    The resources column is read-only because it was added using the calculate column. You have to remove the read-only status to update resources.

    RS-Update Resources