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Namespace: Pivot


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Type aliases

Type aliases


Ƭ ICalcFieldInfo: Object

property fieldName the field name of calc field

property formula the formula of calc field

Type declaration

Name Type
fieldName string
formula string


Ƭ ICalcItemInfo: Object

property sourceName The name of PivotTable sourceField name

property calcItemName The name of PivotTable sourceField calcItem name

property formula The formula of PivotTable sourceField calcItem formula

property priority The priority of PivotTable sourceField calcItem priority

Type declaration

Name Type
calcItemName string
formula string
priority number
sourceName string


Ƭ IDateGroupInfo: Object

property by The date unit of date group info.

property [start] The start date of group.

property [end] The end date of group.

Type declaration

Name Type
by DateGroupType
end? Date
start? Date


Ƭ IDateGroupsInfo: Object

property originFieldName The source field name.

property {GC.Spread.Pivot.IDateGroupInfo[]} dateGroups The date group info.

Type declaration

Name Type
dateGroups IDateGroupInfo[]
originFieldName string


Ƭ IFieldInfo: Object

property fieldName the field name

property sourceName the source name

property dataType the field correspondence source data type

property pivotArea the field type, which effect the field in different area

property pivotIndex the index in the field area

property {Date|number} [start] the min value of number type data field or the oldest of date type field

property {Date|number} [end] the max value of number type data field or the newest of date type field

Type declaration

Name Type
dataType PivotDataType
end? Date | number
fieldName string
pivotArea PivotTableFieldType
pivotIndex number
sourceName string
start? Date | number


Ƭ INumberGroupInfo: Object

property originFieldName The source field name.

property numberGroup The number group info

property [numberGroup.start] The start number of number group info.

property [numberGroup.end] The end number of number group info.

property numberGroup.by The step of number group info.

Type declaration

Name Type
numberGroup { by: number ; end?: number ; start?: number }
numberGroup.by number
numberGroup.end? number
numberGroup.start? number
originFieldName string


Ƭ IPivotArea: Object

property [type]

property [fieldName]

property [labelOnly]

property [dataOnly]

property [grandRow]

property [grandCol]

property {GC.Spread.Pivot.IPivotReference[]} [references]

Type declaration

Name Type
dataOnly? boolean
fieldName? string
grandCol? boolean
grandRow? boolean
labelOnly? boolean
references? IPivotReference[]
type? PivotAreaType


Ƭ IPivotAreasCollection: Object

property {Object.<string, GC.Spread.Pivot.IPivotArea[]>} - key indicates pivot table name, value indicates selected pivot areas.

Index signature

▪ [pivotTableName: string]: IPivotArea[]


Ƭ IPivotConditionFilterInfo: Object

property conditionByName

property {GC.Pivot.IPivotCaptionConditionFilterInfo | GC.Pivot.IPivotDateConditionFilterInfo | GC.Pivot.IPivotTop10ConditionFilterInfo | GC.Pivot.IPivotValueConditionInfo} condition

Type declaration

Name Type
condition IPivotCaptionConditionFilterInfo | IPivotDateConditionFilterInfo | IPivotTop10ConditionFilterInfo | IPivotValueConditionInfo
conditionByName string


Ƭ IPivotNodeInfo: Object

property {GC.Spread.Pivot.IPivotItemInfo[]} fieldInfos the label field infos of node info.

property valueInfo the value field info of node info.

Type declaration

Name Type
fieldInfos IPivotItemInfo[]
valueInfo IValueInfo


Ƭ IPivotOverwriteNodeInfo: Object

property {GC.Spread.Pivot.IPivotItemInfo[]} fieldInfos the label field infos of node info.

property valueInfo the value field info of node info.

property value the value of node info.

Type declaration

Name Type
fieldInfos IPivotItemInfo[]
value number
valueInfo IValueInfo


Ƭ IPivotReference: Object

property fieldName

property [subtotal]

property {string[]} [items]

Type declaration

Name Type
fieldName string
items? string[]
subtotal? boolean


Ƭ IPivotShowDataAsInfo: Object

property baseFieldName

property baseFieldItemType

property baseFieldItem

Type declaration

Name Type
baseFieldItem? string
baseFieldItemType? PivotShowDataAsBaseItemType
baseFieldName? string
showDataAs PivotShowDataAs


Ƭ IPivotStyle: Object

property pivotArea The pivotArea in pivot table.

property style The style use for pivotArea.

Type declaration

Name Type
pivotArea? IPivotArea
style? Style


Ƭ IPivotTableOption: Object

property [allowMultipleFiltersPerField]

property [fillDownLabels]

property [insertBlankLineAfterEachItem]

property grandTotalPosition

property subtotalsPosition

property subTotalsPosition

property displayFieldsInPageFilterArea

property reportFilterFieldsPerColumn

property [bandRows]

property [bandColumns]

property [showRowHeader]

property [showColumnHeader]

property [showDrill]

property [showMissing]

property {string | number} missingCaption

property rowLabelIndent

property [printDrill]

property [itemPrintTitles]

property [fieldPrintTitles]

property [showFilter]

property [showToolTip]

property [mergeItem]

property [isShowErrorValue]

property [errorValueInfo]

property [rowHeaderCaption]

property [colHeaderCaption]

property [showHeaders]

property [calcItemAggregation]

property [enableDataValueEditing]

Type declaration

Name Type
allowMultipleFiltersPerField? boolean
bandColumns? boolean
bandRows? boolean
calcItemAggregation? CalcItemAggregation
colHeaderCaption? string
displayFieldsInPageFilterArea? DisplayFields
enableDataValueEditing? boolean
errorValueInfo? string
fieldPrintTitles? boolean
fillDownLabels? boolean
grandTotalPosition? GrandTotalPosition
insertBlankLineAfterEachItem? boolean
isShowErrorValue? boolean
itemPrintTitles? boolean
mergeItem? boolean
missingCaption? string | number
printDrill? boolean
reportFilterFieldsPerColumn? number
rowHeaderCaption? string
rowLabelIndent? number
showColumnHeader? boolean
showDrill? boolean
showFilter? boolean
showHeaders? boolean
showMissing? boolean
showRowHeader? boolean
showToolTip? boolean
subTotalsPosition? SubtotalsPosition
subtotalsPosition? SubtotalsPosition


Ƭ IPivotTablePosition: Object

property row indicates pivot table start row

property col indicates pivot table start col

property [sheetName] which sheet is pivot table on

Type declaration

Name Type
col number
row number
sheetName? string


Ƭ IPivotTableRange: Object

property page the filter area range

property content the content area range

Type declaration

Name Type
content Range
page Range


Ƭ IPivotTableView: Object

property name

property config

Type declaration

Name Type
config ISerializeInfo
name string


Ƭ IPivotTextFilterInfo: Object

property textItem

Type declaration

Name Type
textItem ITextCollectionCondition


Ƭ ISerializeFieldInfo: Object

property conditionBySourceName

property displayName

property [subtotal]

property {GC.Spread.Pivot.IPivotTextFilterInfo | GC.Spread.Pivot.IPivotConditionFilterInfo} [labelFilter]

property [valueFilter]

property [sortInfo]

Type declaration

Name Type
displayName string
labelFilter? IPivotTextFilterInfo | IPivotConditionFilterInfo
sortInfo? IPivotViewSortInfo
sourceName string
subtotal? SubtotalType
valueFilter? IPivotConditionFilterInfo


Ƭ ISerializeInfo: Object

property [layoutType]

property [options] the options of pivot table

property [theme] the theme of pivot table

property [valuePosition] the valuePosition info of pivot table

property {number[]} [pivotTablePosition] the position of pivot table

property {GC.Spread.Pivot.ISerializeFieldInfo[][]} [fieldsInfo] the fields info of pivot table

property [styles] the pivot area styles of pivot table

property [collapseItems] the collapse info of pivot table

property {GC.Spread.Pivot.ISerializeShowDataAsInfo[]} [showDataAsList] the show data as info of pivot table

Type declaration

Name Type
collapseItems? object
fieldsInfo? ISerializeFieldInfo[][]
layoutType? PivotTableLayoutType
options? object
pivotTablePosition? number[]
showDataAsList? ISerializeShowDataAsInfo[]
styles? IPivotStyle[]
theme? string
valuePosition? IDataPosition


Ƭ ISerializeShowDataAsInfo: Object

property valueFieldName

property showDataAsInfo

Type declaration

Name Type
showDataAsInfo IPivotShowDataAsInfo
valueFieldName string


Ƭ ISourceFieldInfo: Object

property name the name of source field

property [fieldType] the pivot field type is calc field or group field

Type declaration

Name Type
fieldType? PivotSourceFieldType
name string


Ƭ ITextCollectionCondition: Object

property {string[]} list

property isAll

Type declaration

Name Type
isAll boolean
list string[]


Ƭ ITextGroupInfo: Object

property originFieldName The source field name.

property textGroup The text group info

property textGroup.fieldName The group field name.

property textGroup.groupItems The text group items info.

Type declaration

Name Type
originFieldName string
textGroup { fieldName: string ; groupItems: IStringGroupItems }
textGroup.fieldName string
textGroup.groupItems IStringGroupItems