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GrapeCity.Documents.DX.Windows Assembly / GrapeCity.Documents.DX.Direct2D.Effects Namespace / ConvolveMatrix Class
Properties Methods Events

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    ConvolveMatrix Class Members
    In This Topic

    The following tables list the members exposed by ConvolveMatrix.

    Public Constructors
    Public ConstructorInitializes a new instance of the ConvolveMatrix class.  
    Public Properties
    Public PropertyThe effect applies the kernel matrix, the divisor, and then the bias is added to the result. The bias is unbounded and unitless.  
    Public PropertyThe mode used to calculate the border of the image, soft or hard. See BorderMode modes for more info.  
    Public PropertyGets or sets Cached property. (Inherited from GrapeCity.Documents.DX.Direct2D.Properties)
    Public PropertyWhether the effect clamps color values to between 0 and 1 before the effect passes the values to the next effect in the graph. The effect clamps the values before it premultiplies the alpha . if you set this to TRUE the effect will clamp the values. If you set this to FALSE, the effect will not clamp the color values, but other effects and the output surface may clamp the values if they are not of high enough precision.  
    Public PropertyGets or sets the associated instance of GrapeCity.Documents.DX.Direct2D.ICustomEffect. (Inherited from GrapeCity.Documents.DX.Direct2D.Effect)
    Public PropertyThe kernel matrix is applied to a pixel and then the result is divided by this value. 0 behaves as a value of float epsilon.  
    Public PropertyGets a value indicating whether this instance is disposed. (Inherited from GrapeCity.Documents.DX.DisposeBase)
    Public PropertyThe kernel matrix to be applied to the image. The kernel elements aren't bounded and are specified as floats. The first set of KernelSizeX numbers in the FLOAT[] corresponds to the first row in the kernel. The second set of KernelSizeX numbers correspond to the second row, and so on up to KernelSizeY rows.  
    Public PropertyShifts the convolution kernel from a centered position on the output pixel to a position you specify left/right and up/down. The offset is defined in kernel units. With some offsets and kernel sizes, the convolution kernel’s samples won't land on a pixel image center. The pixel values for the kernel sample are computed by bilinear interpolation.  
    Public PropertyThe width of the kernel matrix. The units are specified in kernel units.  
    Public PropertyThe height of the kernel matrix. The units are specified in kernel units.  
    Public PropertyThe size of one unit in the kernel. The units are in (DIPs/kernel unit), where a kernel unit is the size of the element in the convolution kernel. A value of 1 (DIP/kernel unit) corresponds to one pixel in a image at 96 DPI.  
    Public PropertyGet a pointer to the underlying Cpp Object (Inherited from GrapeCity.Documents.DX.CppObject)
    Public PropertySpecifies whether the convolution kernel is applied to the alpha channel or only the color channels. If you set this to TRUE the convolution kernel is applied only to the color channels. If you set this to FALSE the convolution kernel is applied to all channels.  
    Public PropertyThe interpolation mode the effect uses to scale the image to the corresponding kernel unit length. There are six scale modes that range in quality and speed. If you don't select a mode, the effect uses the interpolation mode of the device context. See Scale modes for more info  
    Public PropertyGets or sets a custom user tag object to associate with this instance.. (Inherited from GrapeCity.Documents.DX.CppObject)
    Public Methods
    Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)Initializes a new instance of ConvolveMatrix effect.  
    Public MethodPerforms application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources. (Inherited from GrapeCity.Documents.DX.DisposeBase)
    Public MethodGets the value of the specified property by index. (Inherited from GrapeCity.Documents.DX.Direct2D.Properties)
    Public MethodGets the value of the specified property by name. (Inherited from GrapeCity.Documents.DX.Direct2D.Properties)
    Public MethodGets the value of the specified property by index. (Inherited from GrapeCity.Documents.DX.Direct2D.Properties)
    Public MethodGets the value of the specified property by name. (Inherited from GrapeCity.Documents.DX.Direct2D.Properties)
    Public MethodGets the value of the specified property by index. (Inherited from GrapeCity.Documents.DX.Direct2D.Properties)
    Public MethodGets the value of the specified property by name. (Inherited from GrapeCity.Documents.DX.Direct2D.Properties)
    Public MethodGets the value of the specified property by index. (Inherited from GrapeCity.Documents.DX.Direct2D.Properties)
    Public MethodGets the value of the specified property by name. (Inherited from GrapeCity.Documents.DX.Direct2D.Properties)
    Public MethodGets the value of the specified property by index. (Inherited from GrapeCity.Documents.DX.Direct2D.Properties)
    Public MethodGets the value of the specified property by name. (Inherited from GrapeCity.Documents.DX.Direct2D.Properties)
    Public MethodGets the value of the specified property by index. (Inherited from GrapeCity.Documents.DX.Direct2D.Properties)
    Public MethodGets the value of the specified property by name. (Inherited from GrapeCity.Documents.DX.Direct2D.Properties)
    Public Methodvoid ID2D1Effect::GetInput([In] unsigned int index,[Out, Optional] ID2D1Image** input) (Inherited from GrapeCity.Documents.DX.Direct2D.Effect)
    Public Methodunsigned int ID2D1Effect::GetInputCount() (Inherited from GrapeCity.Documents.DX.Direct2D.Effect)
    Public MethodGets the value of the specified property by index. (Inherited from GrapeCity.Documents.DX.Direct2D.Properties)
    Public MethodGets the value of the specified property by name. (Inherited from GrapeCity.Documents.DX.Direct2D.Properties)
    Public MethodGets the value of the specified property by index. (Inherited from GrapeCity.Documents.DX.Direct2D.Properties)
    Public MethodGets the value of the specified property by name. (Inherited from GrapeCity.Documents.DX.Direct2D.Properties)
    Public MethodGets the value of the specified property by index. (Inherited from GrapeCity.Documents.DX.Direct2D.Properties)
    Public MethodGets the value of the specified property by name. (Inherited from GrapeCity.Documents.DX.Direct2D.Properties)
    Public MethodGets the value of the specified property by index. (Inherited from GrapeCity.Documents.DX.Direct2D.Properties)
    Public MethodGets the value of the specified property by name. (Inherited from GrapeCity.Documents.DX.Direct2D.Properties)
    Public Methodvoid ID2D1Effect::GetOutput([Out] ID2D1Image** outputImage) (Inherited from GrapeCity.Documents.DX.Direct2D.Effect)
    Public MethodGets the value of the specified property by index. (Inherited from GrapeCity.Documents.DX.Direct2D.Properties)
    Public MethodGets the value of the specified property by name. (Inherited from GrapeCity.Documents.DX.Direct2D.Properties)
    Public Methodunsigned int ID2D1Properties::GetPropertyCount() (Inherited from GrapeCity.Documents.DX.Direct2D.Properties)
    Public Methodunsigned int ID2D1Properties::GetPropertyIndex([In] const wchar_t* name) (Inherited from GrapeCity.Documents.DX.Direct2D.Properties)
    Public MethodOverloaded. Gets the number of characters for the given property name. (Inherited from GrapeCity.Documents.DX.Direct2D.Properties)
    Public Methodunsigned int ID2D1Properties::GetPropertyNameLength([In] unsigned int index) (Inherited from GrapeCity.Documents.DX.Direct2D.Properties)
    Public MethodGets the value of the specified property by index. (Inherited from GrapeCity.Documents.DX.Direct2D.Properties)
    Public MethodGets the value of the specified property by name. (Inherited from GrapeCity.Documents.DX.Direct2D.Properties)
    Public MethodHRESULT ID2D1Properties::GetSubProperties([In] unsigned int index,[Out, Optional] ID2D1Properties** subProperties) (Inherited from GrapeCity.Documents.DX.Direct2D.Properties)
    Public MethodD2D1_PROPERTY_TYPE ID2D1Properties::GetType([In] unsigned int index) (Inherited from GrapeCity.Documents.DX.Direct2D.Properties)
    Public MethodGets the value of the specified property by index. (Inherited from GrapeCity.Documents.DX.Direct2D.Properties)
    Public MethodGets the value of the specified property by name. (Inherited from GrapeCity.Documents.DX.Direct2D.Properties)
    Public MethodOverloaded. Gets the value of the specified property by index. (Inherited from GrapeCity.Documents.DX.Direct2D.Properties)
    Public MethodHRESULT ID2D1Properties::GetValueByName([In] const wchar_t* name,[In] D2D1_PROPERTY_TYPE type,[Out, Buffer] void* data,[In] unsigned int dataSize) (Inherited from GrapeCity.Documents.DX.Direct2D.Properties)
    Public Methodunsigned int ID2D1Properties::GetValueSize([In] unsigned int index) (Inherited from GrapeCity.Documents.DX.Direct2D.Properties)
    Public MethodGets the value of the specified property by index. (Inherited from GrapeCity.Documents.DX.Direct2D.Properties)
    Public MethodGets the value of the specified property by name. (Inherited from GrapeCity.Documents.DX.Direct2D.Properties)
    Public MethodGets the value of the specified property by index. (Inherited from GrapeCity.Documents.DX.Direct2D.Properties)
    Public MethodGets the value of the specified property by name. (Inherited from GrapeCity.Documents.DX.Direct2D.Properties)
    Public MethodGets the value of the specified property by index. (Inherited from GrapeCity.Documents.DX.Direct2D.Properties)
    Public MethodGets the value of the specified property by name. (Inherited from GrapeCity.Documents.DX.Direct2D.Properties)
    Public MethodOverloaded. Query this instance for a particular COM GUID/interface support. (Inherited from GrapeCity.Documents.DX.ComObject)
    Public MethodOverloaded. Query instance for a particular COM GUID/interface support. (Inherited from GrapeCity.Documents.DX.ComObject)
    Public MethodSets the named property to the given value. (Inherited from GrapeCity.Documents.DX.Direct2D.Properties)
    Public Methodvoid ID2D1Effect::SetInput([In] unsigned int index,[In, Optional] ID2D1Image* input,[In] BOOL invalidate) (Inherited from GrapeCity.Documents.DX.Direct2D.Effect)
    Public MethodHRESULT ID2D1Effect::SetInputCount([In] unsigned int inputCount) (Inherited from GrapeCity.Documents.DX.Direct2D.Effect)
    Public MethodSets the input by using the output of a given effect. (Inherited from GrapeCity.Documents.DX.Direct2D.Effect)
    Public MethodOverloaded. Sets the named property to the given value. (Inherited from GrapeCity.Documents.DX.Direct2D.Properties)
    Public MethodOverloaded. Sets the named property to the given value. (Inherited from GrapeCity.Documents.DX.Direct2D.Properties)
    Public Events
    Public EventOccurs when this instance is fully disposed. (Inherited from GrapeCity.Documents.DX.DisposeBase)
    Public EventOccurs when this instance is starting to be disposed. (Inherited from GrapeCity.Documents.DX.DisposeBase)
    See Also