Save Method (GcPdfDocument)
In This Topic
Saves the current PDF document to a file using the default mode (no incremental update, not linearized).
Overload List
Overload | Description |
Save(String) | Saves the current PDF document to a file using the default mode (no incremental update, not linearized). |
Save(Stream) | Saves the current PDF document to a System.IO.Stream using the default mode (no incremental update, not linearized). |
Save(Stream,SaveMode) | Saves the current PDF document to a System.IO.Stream using the specified save mode. |
Save(String,SaveMode) | Saves the current PDF document to a file using a specified save mode. |
Save(Stream,SavePdfOptions) | Saves the current PDF document to a System.IO.Stream using a specified PDF save options. |
Save(String,SavePdfOptions) | Saves the current PDF document to a file using a specified PDF save options. |
Save(String,Boolean) | Saves the current PDF document to a file, optionally using incremental update mode. |
Save(Stream,Boolean) | Saves the current PDF document to a System.IO.Stream, optionally using incremental update mode. |
See Also