Document Solutions for PDF
DS.Documents.Pdf Assembly / GrapeCity.Documents.Pdf Namespace
Inheritance Hierarchy
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    GrapeCity.Documents.Pdf Namespace (DS.Documents.Pdf)
    In This Topic
    ClassContains string constants with predefined values for FileSpecification.Relationship property.
    ClassBase abstract class for classes representing content streams in a GcPdfDocument.
    ClassRepresents decryption options used when loading a PDF document.
    ClassThe abstract base class for types representing a destination that defines a particular view of a document. A destination consists of:
    • The page of the document to be displayed.
    • The location of the document window on that page.
    • The magnification (zoom factor) to use when displaying the page.

    Important note about vertical coordinates:

    In PDFs, all coordinates are specified relative to the bottom left corner, with the Y axis going up. GcPdf uses the more common coordinate system with the origin in the top left corner, with the Y axis going down. In most situations the Y coordinates are automatically converted by GcPdf. In classes derived from Destination this is also done if the destination's target page is specified as the Page object. But if the destination's target page is specified by index, automatic conversion of the Y coordinate cannot be done, and it should be specified relative to the bottom left corner as per the PDF spec.

    When the Y coordinate is specified relative to the page bottom, it is noted in the parameter's description. (It is recommended that constructors accepting a Page object are used instead.)

    All properties defining the Y coordinate has linked property with "Pdf" prefix, for example Y and PdfY, the property with "Pdf" prefix contains a value relative to the bottom left corner with the Y axis going up.

    ClassBase class for classes defining destination within document.
    ClassDisplay the page designated by page, with its contents magnified just enough to fit the entire page within the window both horizontally and vertically. If the required horizontal and vertical magnification factors are different, use the smaller of the two, centering the page within the window in the other dimension.
    ClassDisplay the page designated by page, with its contents magnified just enough to fit its bounding box entirely within the window both horizontally and vertically. If the required horizontal and vertical magnification factors are different, use the smaller of the two, centering the bounding box within the window in the other dimension.
    ClassDisplay the page designated by page, with the vertical coordinate top positioned at the top edge of the window and the contents of the page magnified just enough to fit the entire width of its bounding box within the window. A null value for top specifies that the current value of that parameter is to be retained unchanged.
    ClassDisplay the page designated by page, with the horizontal coordinate left positioned at the left edge of the window and the contents of the page magnified just enough to fit the entire height of its bounding box within the window. A null value for left specifies that the current value of that parameter is to be retained unchanged.
    ClassDisplay the page designated by page, with the vertical coordinate top positioned at the top edge of the window and the contents of the page magnified just enough to fit the entire width of the page within the window. A null value for top specifies that the current value of that parameter is to be retained unchanged.
    ClassDisplay the page designated by page, with its contents magnified just enough to fit the rectangle specified by the coordinates left, bottom, right, and top entirely within the window both horizontally and vertically. If the required horizontal and vertical magnification factors are different, use the smaller of the two, centering the rectangle within the window in the other dimension.
    ClassDisplay the page designated by page, with the horizontal coordinate left positioned at the left edge of the window and the contents of the page magnified just enough to fit the entire height of the page within the window. A null value for left specifies that the current value of that parameter is to be retained unchanged.
    ClassDefines destination as reference to another destination, referenced destination can be in Dests dictionary of PDF document or in Dests subtree of Name Tree.
    ClassRepresents a destination object in a format that is unsupported by GcPdf.
    ClassDisplay the page designated by page, with the coordinates (left, top) positioned at the upper-left corner of the window and the contents of the page magnified by the factor zoom. A null value for any of the parameters left, top, or zoom specifies that the current value of that parameter is to be retained unchanged. A zoom value of 0 has the same meaning as a null value.
    ClassAbstract base class for GrapeCity.Documents.Pdf.Actions.ActionBase and DestinationBase.
    ClassContains information about the document. This information includes the document author, title, keywords, etc.
    ClassRepresents embedded file stream in PDF.
    ClassRepresents options used by GcPdfDocument.ExportFormDataToFDF, GcPdfDocument.ExportFormDataToFDF, GcPdfDocument.ExportFormDataToXFDF, GcPdfDocument.ExportFormDataToXFDF, GcPdfDocument.ExportFormDataToXML and GcPdfDocument.ExportFormDataToXML methods.
    ClassRepresents a PDF File Specification.

    The complex architecture of this class is based on the PDF Specification, for full details please consult that spec.

    In many practical scenarios while generating PDFs, using the provided static constructors on the derived classes (FileSpecification, EmbeddedFileStream etc.) may be enough though.

    ClassRepresents information about a file for a particular platform.
    ClassRepresents information about a related file.
    ClassRepresents a collection of FileSpecification.RelatedFile objects.
    ClassRepresents find text parameters.
    ClassRepresents and manages a GrapeCity.Documents.Text.Font used in a GcPdfDocument.
    ClassRepresents a collection of FontHandler objects.
    ClassDefines a position in the page of the GcPdfDocument where a text was found.
    ClassProvides extension methods that draw certain PDF elements (such as AcroForm fields) on a GrapeCity.Documents.Drawing.GcGraphics.
    ClassRepresents a PDF document.

    The object model provided by this class follows the PDF 1.7 Reference specification.

    ClassRepresents statistical data about fonts and font optimizations. An instance of this class is created and returned by the GcPdfDocument.OptimizeFonts method.
    ClassRepresents information about a font and its usage in a PDF.
    ClassRepresents a font subset and its usage in a PDF.
    ClassRepresents information about fonts that were merged.
    ClassRepresents a graphics object that can be used to draw on a PDF page.

    The origin (0,0) is in the top left corner of the page, the axis go right and down.

    All coordinates and sizes are expressed in printer points (1/72 of an inch) by default. This can be changed using the Resolution property.

    ClassRepresents options controlling how native images are processed when inserted in a PDF file.
    ClassRepresents the various options controlling the behavior of the GcPdfDocument.MergeWithDocument method.
    ClassRepresents XMP metadata associated with a document.
    ClassRepresents a custom metadata property. Note that the only allowed namespaces are:
    • "" (Dublin Core Properties)
    • "" (XMP Core Properties)
    • "" (PDF Properties)
    Attempting to add a property with a different namespace will throw an exception.
    ClassRepresents options controlling the behavior of the GcPdfDocument.OptimizeFonts method.
    ClassDefines the outline node within PDF document.
    ClassDefines the collection of OutlineNode objects.
    ClassRepresents a PDF Output Intent.

    Output intents provide a means for matching the color characteristics of page content in a PDF document with those of a target output device or production environment in which the document will be printed.

    ClassRepresents a page in a GcPdfDocument.
    ClassA collection of Page objects that make up a PDF document.
    ClassDefines content stream of the page of GcPdfDocument.
    ClassRepresents a page labeling range.

    A document is divided into labeling ranges, each of which is a series of consecutive pages using the same numbering system. Labeling ranges shall not overlap, so that each page shall have only one label. Pages within a range shall be numbered sequentially in ascending order. A page's label consists of a numeric portion based on its position within its labeling range, optionally preceded by a label prefix denoting the range itself.

    ClassRepresents an exception that occurred while processing a PDF document.
    ClassRepresents an image and its locations in a PDF document.
    ClassRepresents a position of an image in a PDF document.
    ClassRepresents a reference to an image from a WidgetAnnotation via the GrapeCity.Documents.Pdf.Annotations.ButtonAppearance.Image or GrapeCity.Documents.Pdf.Annotations.StateAppearance.Image property.
    ClassRepresents an exception that occurred if an invalid password was used while parsing PDF content.
    ClassRepresents an exception that occurred while performing a security related task such as signing, encrypting, decrypting etc.
    ClassImplements the ISignatureBuilder interface, can be used to build a PKCS#7 signature.
    ClassRepresents an image natively supported by the PDF format.

    Raw images are inserted into PDF as is, without any processing.

    ClassRepresents additional options to use when a document is being redacted.
    ClassRepresents options that are used when a redact action requires that some PDF content is rendered as an image.
    ClassRepresents a cache used to speed up rendering.

    An instance of this class can be passed to Page.Draw, Page.DrawAnnotations, Page.DrawAnnotations methods to improve the rendering speed.

    ClassRepresents options used by the SaveAs* methods on GcPdfDocument and Page, such as GcPdfDocument.SaveAsJpeg, Page.SaveAsJpeg, etc.
    ClassRepresents options used by the GcPdfDocument.Save, GcPdfDocument.Sign and GcPdfDocument.TimeStamp methods.
    ClassRepresents properties used to generate signature appearance when a document is signed.
    ClassRepresents properties used to sign a PDF document.
    ClassDefines possible encoding formats for sample data in a SoundObject.
    ClassRepresents a sound object, which is a stream containing sample values that define a sound to be played through the computer's speakers.
    ClassContains 14 Standard PDF fonts.
    ClassEncapsulates the information that is used to include timestamps from a Time Stamping Authority into digital signatures in PDF documents.
    ClassRepresents properties used to time stamp a PDF document.
    ClassRepresents a page transition effect, describing the style and duration of the visual transition to use when moving from another page to the given page during a presentation.
    ClassAbstract base class for all classes defining set of events associated with some PDF object: annotation, AcroForm field etc.
    ClassRepresents viewer preferences to be used when displaying the document.
    InterfaceThis interface is used by GcPdfDocument to request predefined CMap tables from external sources.
    InterfaceProvides access to an image in a PDF document.
    InterfaceDefines properties and methods that are used to sign the attribute set in a PKCS#7 signature.
    InterfaceDefines methods used to build the signature PDF dictionary and the binary signature container that is stored as Contents entry in the signature PDF dictionary.
    InterfaceDefines properties and methods that allow parsing and validating an existing PDF binary signature that is stored in the /Contents property of the PDF signature dictionary.
    InterfaceProvides a mechanism for receiving callback notifications when a GrapeCity.Documents.Text.TextLayout is rendered on a GcPdfGraphics.
    InterfaceDefines methods used to generate time-stamp tokens. This interface is implemented by the TimeStamp class. It can also be implemented in user code to provide customized time-stamp token generation, see TimeStampProperties.TimeStamp.
    StructureRepresents a PDF DateTime type.
    StructureRepresents a PDF enumeration type.
    DelegateDefines the method signature called for each page when GcPdfDocument.SaveAsImage is called.
    DelegateRepresents a delegate that defines the method signature for deciding which annotations to draw. .
    DelegateRepresents a delegate used to calculate the hash over data. The data can be represented by an array of bytes or by a System.IO.Stream.

    Outputs the hash value and the hash algorithm OID.

    EnumerationDefines possible values for annotations tabs order.
    EnumerationDefines audio formats supported by SoundObject.
    Enumeration(PDF 1.7) The paper handling option to use when printing the file from the print dialog.
    EnumerationSpecifies available font embedding modes.
    EnumerationDefines formats that can be used to encode images in a PDF.
    EnumerationSpecifies the shape to be used at the ends of open subpaths (and dashes, if any) when they are stroked.
    EnumerationSpecifies the shape to be used at the corners of paths that are stroked. Join styles are significant only at points where consecutive segments of a path connect at an angle; segments that meet or intersect fortuitously receive no special treatment.
    EnumerationSpecifies how the document should be displayed on exiting full-screen mode.
    EnumerationDefines possible numbering styles.
    EnumerationSpecifies how outlines are handled when merging two documents.
    EnumerationDefines possible styles of outline text.
    EnumerationSpecifies the types of page boundaries. See PDF specification for details.
    EnumerationSpecifies the page layout to be used when the document is opened.
    EnumerationSpecifies how the document should be displayed when opened.
    EnumerationDefines the PDF conformance levels.
    EnumerationSpecifies available formats used to represent a font in a PDF document.
    EnumerationDefines how to process existing PDF streams in a loaded document.
    EnumerationDefines the supported signature formats.
    Enumeration(PDF 1.6) The page scaling option to be selected when a print dialog is displayed for this document.
    EnumerationSpecifies a format of RawImage.
    EnumerationSpecifies the possible predominant reading order for text.
    EnumerationDefines possible PDF rendering intents.
    EnumerationDefines the modes of saving a PDF.
    EnumerationDefines digest algorithms used to generate signatures.
    EnumerationDefines signature formats supported by GcPdfDocument.
    EnumerationPDF text rendering mode.
    EnumerationDefines the possible dimensions in which the transition effect shall occur.
    EnumerationDefines the possible directions in which the specified transition effect shall moves.
    EnumerationDefines the possible directions of motion for a transition effect.
    EnumerationDefines the possible transition styles.
    EnumerationDefines how to use object streams when saving a PDF document.
    EnumerationSpecifies text justification to be used when displaying variable text in GrapeCity.Documents.Pdf.Annotations.FreeTextAnnotation, GrapeCity.Documents.Pdf.Annotations.WidgetAnnotation etc.
    See Also