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CopyToExcluding Method

CopyToExcluding(IPdfDict, ref PdfDict, HashSet<PdfName>)

Copies from the current dictionary to dest all properties except those specified in propsToExclude.

dest can be null, in that case it will be initialized if there are any properties to copy.

public static void CopyToExcluding(this IPdfDict dict, ref PdfDict dest, HashSet<PdfName> propsToExclude)
Public Shared Sub CopyToExcluding(dict As IPdfDict, ByRef dest As PdfDict, propsToExclude As HashSet(Of PdfName))
Type Name Description
IPdfDict dict

The current dictionary.

PdfDict dest

The PdfDict object (can be null).

HashSet<PdfName> propsToExclude

The names of properties to exclude.