Specifies options affecting the size of a barcode, such as the width of narrow bars, narrow to wide bars' ratio etc.
public class BarcodeSizeOptions : BarCodeOptionsBase
Public Class BarcodeSizeOptions
Inherits BarCodeOptionsBase
Name | Description |
BarcodeSizeOptions() |
Name | Description |
BarHeight | Gets or sets the bar height. The default is 36 units. |
ModuleSize | Gets or sets the barcode module size in graphic units (see Resolution). Zero indicates the default which depends on the code type:
NarrowWideRatio | Gets or sets the ratio between narrow and wide bars. Allowed values are between 2 and 3, or 0 to use code type specific ratio. The default is 2. |
SizeMode | Gets or sets the barcode sizing mode. The default is Normal. |
SupplementSpacing | Gets or sets the spacing between the main and the supplement bacodes in graphic units. The default is 7.5 units. |
Name | Description |
AssignFrom(BarCodeOptionsBase) | Copies properties from another BarCodeOptionsBase to the current object. |
Clone() | Makes a copy of the current object. |
Equals(object) | Compares this BarcodeSizeOptions to the specified object to determine whether the two objects specify the same options. |
GetHashCode() | Calculates and retrieves a hash code based on the current values of the specified options. |
ToString() | Returns a string representation of the current object. |