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CreatePoint Method

CreatePoint(float, float, float, float)

Creates a point to be used as an anchor for other LayoutRects.

public AnchorPoint CreatePoint(float widthFactor, float heightFactor, float leftOffset = 0, float topOffset = 0)
Public Function CreatePoint(widthFactor As Single, heightFactor As Single, Optional leftOffset As Single = 0, Optional topOffset As Single = 0) As AnchorPoint
Type Name Description
float widthFactor

The value to be multiplied by Width before adding to the position of the left side.

float heightFactor

The value to be multiplied by Height before adding to the position of the top side.

float leftOffset

The value to be added to the position of the left side.

float topOffset

The value to be added to the position of the top side.

Type Description

The created AnchorPoint object.