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Size and Position of Image

As a common use case scenario, you may want to render image at a particular position.

DsExcel allows you to fetch the exact position and size of the specified cell range in pixels by using CellInfo.GetAccurateRangeBoundary method that returns RectangleF object of type double. You can then use the AddPictureinPixel method to add an image at the fetched location. For more information about adding pictures, see Shapes and Pictures topic.

Following example code shows how to get the absolute location and size of the range and insert an image to that location.

// Get the absolute location and size of the Range["F1:G1"] in the worksheet.
IRange range = worksheet.Range["F1:G1"];
// Get the RectangleF object of GetAccurateRangeBoundary method
RectangleF rect = GrapeCity.Documents.Excel.CellInfo.GetAccurateRangeBoundary(range);
// Add the image to the Range["F1:G1"]
worksheet.Shapes.AddPictureInPixel("logo.png", rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height);


Note: Version v5.2 onwards, we obsoleted CellInfo.GetRangeBoundary method and replaced it with the GetAccurateRangeBoundary method which gives a more accurate position and size of the specified range.