Threaded comment refers to the spreadsheet comments which appear as a conversation or discussion. These comments provide a reply box which allows users to respond on a comment resulting into a conversation.
DsExcel.NET allows you to add threaded comments through ICommentThreaded interface. Each comment in the collection of threaded comments on a particular worksheet is represented by ICommentsThreaded object. The comments are stored in collection in the order of row and then column.
Note: A threaded comment is converted into a comment when the worksheet is exported to JSON.
To create threaded comment to a worksheet cell, you can use AddCommentThreaded method of the IRange interface. This method accepts comment text and author's name as its parameters.
// Create threaded comment for range C3.
ICommentThreaded commentThreadedC3 = worksheet.Range["C3"].AddCommentThreaded("Do these sales numbers include the subsidiary divisions?", "Bill");
// Add a reply for commentThreadedC3.
ICommentThreaded Reply = commentThreadedC3.AddReply("Yes, they do.", "Even");
To add reply to a threaded comment, you can use AddReply method of the ICommentsThreaded interface. The method adds the reply to collection of replies if the threaded comment is a top-level threaded comment. In case the threaded comment is a reply, the method adds reply to the parent's collection of replies. The collection of replies can be fetched using Replies property.
// Add replies for commentThreadedC3.
ICommentThreaded Reply_1 = commentThreadedC3.AddReply("Mark's reply", "Mark");
ICommentThreaded Reply_2 = commentThreadedC3.AddReply("Bill's reply", "Bill");
To modify a threaded comment, you can set Text property of the threaded comment to a new string.
// Sets a new text for commentTHreadedC3.
commentThreadedC3.Text = "New Content";
// Delete Reply_1
// Sets a new text for Reply_2.
Reply_2.Text = "Bill's new reply";
DsExcel.NET provides various properties using which you can read the threaded comments and their attributes such as date stamp, author etc. To fetch the whole collection of threaded comments on a worksheet, you can use the IWorksheet.CommentsThreaded method, while a specific threaded comment can be obtained from ICommentsThreaded collection by using the Index property. You can also get the number of total comments on a worksheet by using the Count property. The ICommentsThreaded interface also provides Parent property to get parent if the threaded comment is a reply. To read the date stamp or author of a comment, you can use Date and Author properties. You can also fetch Next or Previous comments of a threaded comment in a worksheet.
// Get a specific comment
Console.WriteLine("Get a specific comment : " + worksheet.CommentsThreaded[0].Text);
// Get replies count
Console.WriteLine("Replies Count : " + commentThreadedC3.Replies.Count);
// Get all replies on a specific comment
for (int i = 0; i < commentThreadedC3.Replies.Count; i++)
Console.WriteLine("Get replies text[" + i + "] : " + commentThreadedC3.Replies[i].Text);
// Get author of comment
Console.WriteLine("Author Name : " + commentThreadedC3.Author.Name.ToString());
// Get collection of threaded comments
Console.WriteLine("Get collection of threaded comments : " + worksheet.CommentsThreaded.Count);
// Get Date stamp of comment
Console.WriteLine("Date of Comment : " + commentThreadedC3.Date.ToShortDateString());
// Get Time stamp of comment
Console.WriteLine("Time of Comment : " + commentThreadedC3.Date.ToShortTimeString());
// Get C3's next comment
Console.WriteLine("C3's next comment : " + commentThreadedC3.Next().Text);
// Get D3's previous comment
Console.WriteLine("D3's previous comment : " + commentThreadedD3.Previous().Text);
// Get parent of a reply
Console.WriteLine("Parent of Reply_1 : " + Reply_1.Parent.Text);
Console.WriteLine("Parent of Reply_2 : " + Reply_2.Parent.Text);
Below is the outcome displayed on console after above processing:
DsExcel.NET provides IsResolved property to set the resolve status of a threaded comment. Setting this property to true also means, that the threaded comment is disabled and user cannot edit or reply to that comment.
//Disable threaded comment
commentThreadedC3.IsResolved = true;
To delete a threaded comment and replies associated with that comment, you can use the ICommentThreaded.Delete method. If the target CommentThreaded object is a top-level comment, this method removes the specified comment. However, if the target comment is a reply in one of the comment threads, this method removes that reply from reply collection of the parent comment. You can also clear threaded comments from a range of cells by using the IRange.ClearCommentsThreaded method.
// Create threaded comment for range C3.
ICommentThreaded commentThreadedE3 = worksheet.Range["E3"].AddCommentThreaded("Range E3's threaded comment", "Even");
// Add a reply for commentThreadedC3.
worksheet.Range["F3"].AddCommentThreaded("Range F3's threaded comment", "Charles");
#region Delete
// Delete a single cell threaded comment.
// Clear a range of cells threaded comment.
To set author of a comment, you can use Name property of the IAuthor interface.
//Set author name
IAuthor author = commentThreadedC3.Author;
author.Name = "Alex";