Name | Description | |
Activate | Activates a single cell, which must be inside the current selection. | |
AddComment | Adds comments to the current IRange. | |
AddCommentThreaded | Adds a threaded comment to the current IRange. | |
AutoFilter | Overloaded. Filters a list using the AutoFilter. | |
AutoFit | Overloaded. Changes the width of the columns in the range or the height of the rows in the range to achieve the best fit. | |
Calculate | Calculates formulas of the range as needed. | |
Characters | Returns a ITextRun object that represents a range of characters within the cell text, this method can only be called when the value of cell is a string, or else System.InvalidOperationException is thrown. | |
Clear | Clears formulas, values, and all formatting from the current IRange. | |
ClearComments | Clears the comments from the current IRange. | |
ClearCommentsThreaded | Clears the threaded comment from the current IRange. | |
ClearContents | Clears formulas and values from the current IRange. | |
ClearFormats | Clears all formatting from the current IRange. | |
ClearHyperlinks | Clears all hyperLinks from the current IRange. | |
ClearOutline | Clears the outline for the specified range. | |
Copy | Overloaded. Copies the range to the specified range. | |
Cut | Cuts the range to the specified range. | |
Delete | Deletes a cell or a range of cells from the worksheet and shifts other cells to replace deleted cells. Specifies which way to shift the cells. | |
Dirty | Designates all the formulas of the range to be recalculated when the next calculation occurs. | |
Find | Finds specific information in a range. | |
FromJson | Generates the range data from the JSON string. | |
GenerateGetPivotDataFunction | Generate the corresponding function "GETPIVOTDATA" for the cells in the pivot table. | |
GetAddress | Returns a System.String value that represents the range reference. If all parameters are omitted, the return value is equal to the Address property. | |
GetDependents | Overloaded. Gets the dependent ranges of the left top cell of the range. | |
GetPrecedents | Overloaded. Gets the precedent ranges of the left top cell of the range. | |
GetUsedRange | Gets an IRange representing the used range in the current range. | |
GoalSeek | Attempts to achieve the specified goal, from the calculated result of the formula in the cell represented by this IRange, by modifying the specified changingCell. If you know the result that you want from a formula, but are not sure what input value the formula needs to get that result, use the Goal Seek feature. | |
Group | Increments the OutlineLevel of the specified rows or columns. | |
ImportData | Overloaded. Imports data from a data source (up to 2D) to the range. | |
Insert | Inserts a cell or a range of cells into the worksheet and shifts other cells away to make space. Specifies which way to shift the cells. | |
Intersect | Overloaded. Returns an IRange object that represents the intersection of two ranges. If range2 is from a different worksheet, an exception is thrown. | |
Merge | Merges the cells in the represented range into a single merged cell. | |
Offset | Returns an IRange object that represents the offset of this range. | |
RemoveSubtotal | Removes subtotals from a list. | |
Replace | Search in formulas and replace. Using this method doesn't change either the selection or the active cell. | |
Select | Selects the object. | |
Sort | Overloaded. Sorts the cells represented by this range according to the specified options. | |
SpecialCells | Gets a IRange object that represents all the cells that match the specified type and value. | |
Subtotal | Creates subtotals for the range. | |
ToImage | Overloaded. Saves the range to the specified image file. | |
ToJson | Generates a JSON string from the range. | |
Ungroup | Decrements the OutlineLevel of the specified rows or columns. | |
Union | Overloaded. Returns an IRange object that represents the union of two ranges. If range2 is from a different worksheet, an exception is thrown. | |
UnMerge | Converts merged cells in the represented range to normal cells. |