Represents the view settings of this workbook.
public interface IWorkbookView
Public Interface IWorkbookView
Name | Description |
AllowSheetReorder | Gets or sets whether to allow reordering of worksheet tabs. SpreadJS only. |
BackColor | Set background color of all worksheets. SpreadJS only. |
DisplayHorizontalScrollBar | True if the horizontal scroll bar is displayed. Read/write Boolean. |
DisplayVerticalScrollBar | True if the vertical scroll bar is displayed. Read/write Boolean. |
DisplayWorkbookTabs | True if the workbook tabs are displayed. Read/write Boolean. |
GrayAreaBackColor | Set background color of workbook gray area. SpreadJS only. |
NewTabVisible | Gets or sets whether to show the New Tab button. SpreadJS only. |
NumbersFitMode | Gets or sets the display mode when date/number data width longer than column width. SpreadJS only. |
TabEditable | Gets or sets whether to allow editing of the worksheet name. SpreadJS only. |
TabNavigationVisible | Gets or sets whether to display navigation buttons in the workbook. SpreadJS only. |
TabRatio | Returns or sets the ratio of the width of the workbook's tab area to the width of the window's horizontal scroll bar (as a number between 0 (zero) and 1; the default value is 0.6). Read/write Double. |
TabStripPosition | Gets or sets the position of tab strip relative to the workbook. SpreadJS only. |
TabStripWidth | Gets or sets the width of tab strip. SpreadJS only. |