FlexReport for WPF | ComponentOne
Sections of FlexReport / Adding Subsections
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    Adding Subsections
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    Sub-sections are the additional sections that can be added to any section of a report. A FlexReport generally contains - Detail, Header, Footer, PageHeader, Page Footer, Group Header and Group Footer. You can add as many sub-sections as required in a section. This can be done via the FlexReportDesigner application or through code.

    Adding Sub-Sections using FlexReportDesigner

    Sub-Sections can be added to any section of a report. By default, the sub-section gets added at the bottom of the currently selected section.

    For instance, let's say you want to add a sub-section in the Page Header. This can be easily achieved via the FlexReportDesigner in few steps as described below:

    1. Move the cursor to the section of the report where you want to add the sub-section.
    2. Select the section and right-click to view the context menu. Click the Add SubSection option.

    Now, you can observe that a sub-section has got added below the Page Header. Move the cursor to the sub-section to view the tooltip that says it is the first subsection of the Page Header section.

    Adding Sub-Sections using Code

    You can also add a sub-section in the Page Header section of a report programmatically. To illustrate the addition of a sub-section to an existing section like Page Header, we will be using the QuickStart sample used to create a report definition.

    In the code snippet below, we will add a subsection to the Page Header using SubSections property of the SubSectionCollection class, and add fields to this sub-section using Fields property of the SubSection class. We have also added a backcolor to the sub-section, just to highlight it.

    Copy Code
    // create a subsection in the page header section
    SubSection ss = c1FlexReport1.Sections.PageHeader.SubSections.Add();
    // set height to 10 mm
    ss.Height = 10 * 1440 / 25.4;
    // assign a backcolor to highlight the sub-section
    ss.BackColor = Color.Lime;
    // add fields to the subsection
    TextField textFieldB = new TextField();
    textFieldB.Name = "FldID";
    textFieldB.Text.Expression = "EmployeeID";
    textFieldB.Left = 0;
    textFieldB.Top = 0;
    textFieldB.Width = 400;
    textFieldB.Height = 300;
    // add fields to the subsection
    TextField textFieldA = new TextField();
    textFieldA.Name = "FldFirstName";
    textFieldA.Text.Expression = "FirstName";
    textFieldA.Left = 500;
    textFieldA.Top = 0;
    textFieldA.Width = 900;
    textFieldA.Height = 300;

    The snapshot of the resulting output is given below: