| Name | Description |
 | ActualHeader | Gets the header that will be shown in the column header. if Header is not specified the Binding property will be used. (Inherited from C1.WinUI.Grid.GridColumn) |
 | ActualWidth | Gets the actual width of the column in pixels. (Inherited from C1.WinUI.Grid.GridColumn) |
 | Aggregate | Gets or sets the type of aggregate to include in group headers. (Inherited from C1.WinUI.Grid.GridColumn) |
 | AggregateFunctions | Gets the collection of aggregate functions. (Inherited from C1.WinUI.Grid.GridColumn) |
 | AllowDragging | Gets or sets a value indicating whether this column can be dragged. (Inherited from C1.WinUI.Grid.GridColumn) |
 | AllowFiltering | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the user can filter by this column. (Inherited from C1.WinUI.Grid.GridColumn) |
 | AllowGrouping | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the user can group by this column. (Inherited from C1.WinUI.Grid.GridColumn) |
 | AllowMerging | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether cells in this column can be merged. (Inherited from C1.WinUI.Grid.GridColumn) |
 | AllowResizing | Gets or sets a value indicating whether this column can be resized. (Inherited from C1.WinUI.Grid.GridColumn) |
 | AllowSorting | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the user can sort this column by tapping the column header. (Inherited from C1.WinUI.Grid.GridColumn) |
 | Background | Gets or sets the Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Media.Brush used to paint the background of cells in this column. (Inherited from C1.WinUI.Grid.GridColumn) |
 | Binding | Gets or sets the binding. (Inherited from C1.WinUI.Grid.GridColumn) |
 | CellEditingTemplate | Gets or sets the template used to edit a cell. (Inherited from C1.WinUI.Grid.GridColumn) |
 | CellFactory | Gets the cell-factory. (Inherited from C1.WinUI.Grid.GridColumn) |
 | CellTemplate | Gets or sets the template used to display the contents of a cell that is not in editing mode. (Inherited from C1.WinUI.Grid.GridColumn) |
 | ColumnName | Gets or sets a value used as an identifier for the column. (Inherited from C1.WinUI.Grid.GridColumn) |
 | DataMap | Gets or sets the DataMap used to convert raw values into display values for the column. (Inherited from C1.WinUI.Grid.GridColumn) |
 | DataType | Gets the type of the data bound to this column. (Inherited from C1.WinUI.Grid.GridColumn) |
 | FilterMemberPath | Gets or sets the path used to filter this column. (Inherited from C1.WinUI.Grid.GridColumn) |
 | Foreground | Gets or sets the Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Media.Brush used to paint the foreground of cells in this column. (Inherited from C1.WinUI.Grid.GridColumn) |
 | Format | Gets or sets the format applied to the displayed data. (Inherited from C1.WinUI.Grid.GridColumn) |
 | Grid | Gets the grid containing this column. (Inherited from C1.WinUI.Grid.GridColumn) |
 | GroupMemberPath | Gets or sets the path used to group this column. (Inherited from C1.WinUI.Grid.GridColumn) |
 | Header | Gets or sets text shown in the header of this column. (Inherited from C1.WinUI.Grid.GridColumn) |
 | HeaderBackground | Gets or sets the Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Media.Brush used to paint the background of header cells in this column. (Inherited from C1.WinUI.Grid.GridColumn) |
 | HeaderForeground | Gets or sets the Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Media.Brush used to paint the foreground of header cells in this column. (Inherited from C1.WinUI.Grid.GridColumn) |
 | HeaderHorizontalAlignment | Gets or sets the horizontal alignment of the header. (Inherited from C1.WinUI.Grid.GridColumn) |
 | HorizontalAlignment | Gets or sets the horizontal alignment. (Inherited from C1.WinUI.Grid.GridColumn) |
 | Index | Gets the index of the row inside the collection of rows of the associated FlexGrid. (Inherited from C1.WinUI.Grid.GridRowCol) |
 | InputType | Gets or sets the type of keyboard shown when the cell is in edit-mode. (Inherited from C1.WinUI.Grid.GridColumn) |
 | IsAutoGenerated | Gets a value indicating whether this column or row was generated from source. (Inherited from C1.WinUI.Grid.GridRowCol) |
 | IsReadOnly | Gets or sets a value indicating whether this column is read only. If the grid is set to be read-only this property will be ignored. (Inherited from C1.WinUI.Grid.GridColumn) |
 | IsVisible | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the column is visible and not collapsed. (Inherited from C1.WinUI.Grid.GridColumn) |
 | MaxWidth | Gets or sets the maximum width of the column. (Inherited from C1.WinUI.Grid.GridColumn) |
 | MinWidth | Gets or sets the minimum width of the column. (Inherited from C1.WinUI.Grid.GridColumn) |
 | OptionsMenuVisibility | Gets or sets the visibility of the options menu. (Inherited from C1.WinUI.Grid.GridColumn) |
 | Placeholder | Gets or sets the placeholder image used when no image could be downloaded. |
 | PropertyInfo | Gets or sets a PropertyInfo object used for binding the column to items in the data source. (Inherited from C1.WinUI.Grid.GridColumn) |
 | SortDirection | Gets the sort direction when the underlying collection is sorted by the same field as this column's SortMemberPath or Binding. (Inherited from C1.WinUI.Grid.GridColumn) |
 | SortMemberPath | Gets or sets the path used to sort when the column header of this column is tapped. (Inherited from C1.WinUI.Grid.GridColumn) |
 | ValueConverter | Gets or sets an Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Data.IValueConverter associated with this column's Binding. (Inherited from C1.WinUI.Grid.GridColumn) |
 | Width | Gets or sets the width of the column. (Inherited from C1.WinUI.Grid.GridColumn) |
 | WordWrap | Gets or sets a value indicating whether cells in the column wrap their content. (Inherited from C1.WinUI.Grid.GridColumn) |