| Class | Description |
 | AsyncEventArgs | Provides event data for asynchronous events. |
 | AsyncEventArgsDeferral | Deferral used to block the event until Complete method is called. |
 | AsyncEventArgsDeferralsAwaiter | Deferrals awaiter used to wait for the deferrals of an async event. |
 | C1ActivityIndicator | A visual control used to indicate that something is ongoing. |
 | C1Animation | Contains information about a specific animation. |
 | C1Behavior<T> | Base class for control behaviors. |
 | C1BitmapIcon | Represents an icon created from an image. |
 | C1Border | Basic control used to draw a border around another view. |
 | C1Button | Button with a built-in style matching the suite. |
 | C1CheckBox | Represents a control that a user can select and clear. |
 | C1CompositeIcon | Represent an icon created from a list of icons superposed one on top of the other. |
 | C1DragCompletedEventArgs | Contains information of the DragCompleted event. |
 | C1DragDeltaEventArgs | Contains information of the DragDelta event. |
 | C1DragEventArgs | Contains information of the drag events. |
 | C1DragHelper | Cross-platform helper for listening to drag gestures supporting inertia. |
 | C1DragInertiaStartedEventArgs | Contains information of the DragInertiaStarted event. |
 | C1DragPreviewEventArgs | Contains information of the DragStarting event. |
 | C1DragStartedEventArgs | Contains information of the DragStarted event. |
 | C1Easing | Easing function used to interpolate the values of an animation. |
 | C1Font | |
 | C1FontIcon | Represents an icon created from a font. |
 | C1HeaderedContentControl | Provides the base implementation for all controls that contain single content and have a header. |
 | C1HeaderedItemsControl | Represents a control that can be used to present a collection of items which have header and content. |
 | C1HierarchicalDataTemplate | Represents a DataTemplate that supports C1HierarchicalPresenter, such as TreeViewItem. |
 | C1HierarchicalPresenter | |
 | C1HoverHelper | Cross-platform helper for listening to pointer hovering events. |
 | C1Icon | Represents a visual icon that can be tinted and resized. |
 | C1IconTemplate | This factory allows creating C1Icon. |
 | C1InputEventArgs | Contains information about gesture events. |
 | C1ItemsControl | Represents a control that can be used to present a collection of items. |
 | C1KeyboardHelper | This class allows accessing keyboard-related information and constants. |
 | C1LayoutTransformer | |
 | C1PathIcon | Represent an icon created from a path string. |
 | C1PolygonIcon | Represents an icon created from a vector definition. |
 | C1RepeatButton | RepeatButton with a built-in style matching the suite. |
 | C1SideThicknessConverter | Converter used to bind specific sides of inner elements thickness to the main control thickness. |
 | C1StyleSelector | Provides a way to apply styles based on custom logic. |
 | C1SVGIcon | Represents an icon created from an svg file. |
 | C1TapHelper | Cross-platform helper for listening to tapped and double-tapped events. |
 | C1TappedEventArgs | Contains information of the tap events. |
 | C1ThemeInfo | This class allows accessing theme-related properties. |
 | C1ToggleButton | Represents a button that a user can expand and collapse. |
 | C1VectorIcon | Represents an icon created from a vector definition. |
 | C1View | Base class for views supporting standard properties. |
 | C1ZoomCompletedEventArgs | Contains information of the ZoomCompleted event. |
 | C1ZoomDeltaEventArgs | Contains information of the ZoomDelta event. |
 | C1ZoomEventArgs | Contains information of the zoom events. |
 | C1ZoomHelper | Cross-platform helper for listening to zoom gestures either using the mouse or fingers. |
 | C1ZoomStartedEventArgs | Contains information of the ZoomStarted event. |
 | CancelSourceEventArgs | Provides data for a cancelable event. |
 | DefaultValueConverter | Converts a value into a specified type. |
 | DelegateCommand | Utility class that helps creating an System.Windows.Input.ICommand from the delegates execute and canExecute. |
 | DelegateConverter | Converters values using the specified delegates. |
 | DoubleArrayTypeConverter | Converts a string into an array of System.Double. |
 | GridLengthConverter | |
 | ItemPreparedEventArgs | Contains event data for the item prepared/cleared event. The event is associated to the PrepareContainerForItemOverride and ClearContainerForItemOverride methods of classes derived from C1HierarchicalPresenter. PrepareContainerForItemOverride and ClearContainerForItemOverride are invoked to prepare/clear a visual element to display the specified data bound item. |
 | OrientationConverter | Converts an Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Controls.Orientation value to a Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Media.RotateTransform. |
 | PointArrayTypeConverter | Converts a string into an array of Windows.Foundation.Point. |
 | PropertyChangedEventArgs<T> | Provides event data for OnPropertyChanged events. |
 | PropertyChangingEventArgs<T> | Provides event data for OnPropertyChanging events. |
 | SourcedEventArgs | Contains data for events with a source different from the object firing the event. |
 | ViewEx | View extensions |
 | VisibilityConverter | Converter from/to Visibility and Boolean. |
 | VTreeHelper | The VTreeHelper class provides utility methods that perform common tasks involving nodes in a visual tree. |
 | WriteableBitmapEx | The extension of Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Media.Imaging.WriteableBitmap. |