Name | Description | |
Brushes | Gets the brushes dictionary. | |
BuGn | Gets the BuGn (Blue-Green) palette. | |
BuPu | Gets the BuPu (Blue-Purple) palette. | |
GnBu | Gets the GnBu (Green-Blue) palette. | |
OrRd | Gets the OrRd (Orange-Red) palette. | |
PuBu | Gets the PuBu (Purple-Blue) palette. | |
PuBuGn | Gets the PuBuGn (Purple-Blue-Green) palette. | |
PuRd | Gets the PuRd (Purple-Red) palette. | |
RdPu | Gets the RdPu (Red-Purple) palette. | |
YlGn | Gets the YlGn (Yellow-Green) palette. | |
YlGnBu | Gets the YlGnBu (Yellow-Green-Blue) palette. | |
YlOrBr | Gets the YlOrBr (Yellow-Orange-Brown) palette. | |
YlOrRd | Gets the YlOrRd (Yellow-Orange-Red) palette. |