WinForms Edition Documentation
Windows 7 Control Pack for WinForms Quick Starts / C1TaskDialog Quick Start / Step 1 of 4: Creating a C1TaskDialog Application
Step 1 of 4: Creating a C1TaskDialog Application

In this step you'll create a simple WinForms application and add the C1TaskDialog component to the application.

To begin, complete the following steps:

  1. From the File menu in Microsoft Visual Studio, select New and click Project. The New Project dialog box opens.
  2. Under Project Types, choose either Visual Basic Projects or Visual C# Projects, and select Windows Application from the list of Templates in the right pane.
  3. Enter or browse for a location for your application in the Location field and click OK.
    A new WinForms project is created in the specified location. In addition, a new Form is displayed in the Designer view.
  4. Resize the form in Design View.
  5. Navigate to the Toolbox and double-click the C1TaskDialog item to add it to the application. The C1TaskDialog component will appear in the component tray below the form.
  6. Click once on the form to select it then navigate to the Toolbox and double-click on the Button item to add a Button control to your application. Resize and position the Button control on the form.
  7. Select the Button control and in the Properties window set its Text property to "Open Dialog Box".

What You've Accomplished

In this step you created a new application and added Button and C1TaskDialog controls to the application. The form should appear similar to the following:

In the next step you'll customize the appearance and behavior of the C1TaskDialog control.