WinForms Edition Documentation
Windows 7 Control Pack for WinForms Samples

Please be advised that this ComponentOne software tool is accompanied by various sample projects and/or demos, which may make use of other development tools included with the ComponentOne Studio.

Please refer to the pre-installed product samples through the following path:

Documents\ComponentOne Samples\WinForms

Click one of the following links to view a list of Windows 7 Control Pack for WinForms samples:

Visual Basic samples

Sample Description

The sample works with the Recent, Frequent, and custom categories in application's jump list.

The sample adds custom destinations to a jump list. In addition, it allows to delete destinations from the "known" and custom categories, register/unregister file association, and get the list of items in the "known" (Recent and Frequent) categories.

A list of destinations and common tasks associated with an application is attached to that application's taskbar button (as well as to the equivalent Start menu entry). This is the application's jump list. The jump list is available whether the taskbar button is in a launcher state (the application isn't running) or whether it represents one or more windows.


This sample shows a few taskbar extensions using the C1TaskbarButton component.

C1TaskbarButtonworks with Windows 7 taskbar extensions. You can adjust the application's thumbnail toolbar, icon overlay, and the progress indicator displayed on the taskbar button. In addition, you can select a particular control on a Form and use its contents as the thumbnail image.


The sample shows various elements of a task dialog box using the C1TaskDialog component.

Task dialog box is a powerful replacement of the old message box. It consists of several elements, most of which are optional. The C1TaskDialog component gives an ability to create and adjust task dialog boxes without much effort. It works like the common dialog boxes (OpenFileDialog, for example). You can set a few properties, then call to the Show() method to display the dialog box at run-time.

C# samples

Sample Description

The sample works with the Recent, Frequent, and custom categories in application's jump list.

The sample adds custom destinations to a jump list. In addition, it allows to delete destinations from the "known" and custom categories, register/unregister file association, get the list of items in the "known" (Recent and Frequent) categories.

A list of destinations and common tasks associated with an application is attached to that application's taskbar button (as well as to the equivalent Start menu entry). This is the application's jump list. The jump list is available whether the taskbar button is in a launcher state (the application isn't running) or whether it represents one or more windows.


This sample adds the Task category to a custom jump list.

In this sample, we add dynamic Tasks to a jump list. Typically, tasks are IShellLink items with command-line arguments that indicate particular functionality that can be triggered by an application. The C1JumpTask class encapsulates the shell interface. It's easy to manipulate tasks using the C1TaskbarButton component.


This sample shows a few taskbar extensions using the C1TaskbarButton component.

C1TaskbarButtonworks with Windows 7 taskbar extensions. You can adjust the application's thumbnail toolbar, icon overlay, and the progress indicator displayed on the taskbar button. In addition, you can select a particular control on a Form and use its contents as the thumbnail image.


The sample shows various elements of a task dialog box using the C1TaskDialog component.

Task dialog box is a powerful replacement of the old message box. It consists of several elements, most of which are optional. The C1TaskDialog component gives an ability to create and adjust task dialog boxes without much effort. It works like the common dialog boxes (OpenFileDialog, for example). You can set a few properties, then call to the Show() method to display the dialog box at run-time.